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Ever Wonder How Those Private "Talks" that Biodad has with his Progeny go?

Auteur's picture

Here is an artist's rendering of how said *disciplinary* talks go:

Biodad: "Now (insert skid's name), I need to talk to you about something important.

Skid: (sing songy) "Yes, Dadddeeeeee?"

Biodad: "I trust you and believe you and I always want you to be able to come to me"

Skid: (bats eyelashes) "Of course Daddddeeeeee!"

Biodad: "SM tells me you. . ."

Skid: (interrupting) "That bitch is LYING! You KNOW she wants to break you and me up Dadddeeeeeee!"

Biodad: (feeling oddly flattered by spawn's loyalty to him) (spoken half heartedly) "Now it's not fair to say she's lying--you know I love you and would do AAANNYYYthing for you"

Skid: (looking contrite, eyes lowered; more batting) "I know Daddddeeee"

Biodad: (feeling satisfied that he's done MASSIVE parenting) "Ok, well I'm glad we got that straightened out; How about a nice (ice cream, IPhone; insert treat of choice)?"

Biodad then reports back to SM (looking very haggard as though he were in hostage negotiations over nukes that threaten several continents for a month) that he had a chat with skid and everything has been resolved


newmom01's picture

Those usually take place on the ride from bm's house to our house when they are in the car alone. and on the ride back home. I use to go whith dh but since having our kids all four kids cant fit in either of our cars. (I know we should upgrade) but i had an suv and traded it for current car BEFORE PREGNANCIES when gas prices went up and STILL RISING. Now my car 4 door is perfect for us and the two kids, but when step kids visit when can never go anywhere together. DH has a 2 door sports car PAID OFF ....and a new car note is not in the future.

But I sure would like to go on those rides, because they ALWAYS said something juicy before dh interrupts with a
"(insert ss name) shut up!"

Newstep's picture

Sounds like SO's side of the convo with SD13 an almost begging and pleading with her to understand the rules are now in place. Now with SD22 I actually was part of the convo and it went like snickersgal DH he really put her in her place. She has pretty much stayed away with an occasional text here and there.

Now if he could only be half as tough on SD13 things would be golden. I do have to give him credit for trying which is huge. He just couldn't stand the thought of his little princess not getting her way 24/7. BARF :sick:

Newstep's picture

Yeah I wonder if she is really done manipulating him or just laying in wait LOL

Oh yes she is abandoned by him and it's all my fault she won't say it to her father or me she just cries to her BM. Then BM decides to tell me that it's my fault that SO abandoned his children. WTF?? His children SD24 who is actually his skid that he raised and SD22 are freaking adults not children. They need to grow up and be responsible for themselves. They all had SO as their slave to do everything for them and hand out money whenever they wanted. When I came along and he grew a spine and got his balls back from BM they all blamed me for it }:) BM actually told me that I came along and "messed" with the system that worked for them. I said what about what works for SO she said that didn't matter :jawdrop: he was their FAAAAAAATHER!!!! and he was supposed to take care of them.

Auteur's picture

The Entitlement Factor continues with a website called "arrangementseekers" for VD types to find a sugar daddy.


bi's picture

there was a grown ass woman, probably in her 40's, on dr phil last year who was Livid that her dad was going on vacations and enjoying his retirment because he was "spending her intended inheritance." :jawdrop: one of his frequent guests, a lawyer, told the woman that her father is NOT DEAD. therefore, it is HIS money to do as he pleases with, it is NOT her "intended inheritance". this bitch wasnt' hearing a word of it. went off about how her dad went on vacation instead of paying his grandson's college tuition. so not only was this man who worked all his life for what he had expected to live in a poorhouse and be financially responsible for his 40 something daughter, the bitch actually thought it was HIS responsibility to put HER kid thru college! unbelievable.

imthewife's picture

I can only imagine they go like the above conversations.

SD19 got cited by her residence director at school for a peace disturbance and has blown a chance at a residence assist. job now. I made DH talk to her...and of course he did it while I wasn't around to hear his end of the conversation...but wasn't her fault at all that she got written up.

So I talked to her because she just literally BLEW the chance to have 50% of her tuition covered next semester and I got a totally different story...that the on duty RA that wrote her up "doesn't like me because she says I gave her a dirty look last semester so she wrote me up"...... is never worth having DH talke to it's more fun!

ctnmom's picture

Oh Aut, this was my LIFE with CTBB as a teen! It took until he was 20, (YES,20)for DH to see the light. I caught him red handed selling pot, of course DH didn't believe me. So I said "ask him. Ask him if it's true." CTBB is a lot of things but not a liar. And when he admitted it to DH, WW3 started! I had to peel DH off of CTBB. It's like the floodgate opened, and DH finally saw things how they really were. I actually felt BAD for CTBB! Of course, we had to kick him out- DH could lose his job and livlihood over drug dealing. His eyes have been pretty much opened since then. ( Although he still puts CTBB above our high achieving bios when the 33 yo infant is visiting).

Auteur's picture

I know there are two versions of the "talk"

1. as listed above

2. when biodad KNOWS SM is listening and so he does the paper tiger speech sounding a lot more HARSH than he normally would if SM was not listening (aka for the benefit of SM's ears)

hismineandours's picture

I know dh's go something like this,

"Buddy, you need to try and get along with hismineandours. You cant just ignore her and treat her as if she doesnt exist"

"I try dad, but i just forget"

"I know, son, it's hard to remember to speak to someone that is right in front of your face for an entire weekend-but it would make me really happy if you talked to her more"

"Ok, dad, I will"

Problem solved! Oddly this same discussion has been occurring for about 5 years now. The exact same one. Does anyone see a problem?

Or if we are talking about one of ss's behaviors-

"son, I heard that you have been smoking marijuana and growing it in your bm's front yard"

"I only smoked it once dad because someone else told me to. And I only tried to grow it because that's what someone told me to do! I swear!"

"Ok, son, just dont do it again-not run along and go play some video games"

bi's picture

when sd19 was here all the time, i would get so pissed off about fdh never, ever doing anything about her blatantly disrespectful behavior toward me. he told me that he talks to her "privately" about it, because he didn't want to embarrass her. :sick: my response was to ask him why he talks to her privately about how she treated me when she was more than comfortable treating me badly in front of anyone and everyone. i told him maybe she needed to be embarrassed and called out openly in order to learn a damn lesson. never happened. i have no doubt the conversations (if they happened at all) went like this:

sd, please watch your mouth around sm. she's hypersensitive (i don't appreciate being told "you eat poop!" at the dinner table by a 16 year old who knows better, etc) and when she gets mad, have to hear about it all night. so just don't do it and save me the headache, ok?

oh geez dad! i was "only joking" (TM)! why does she get so mad at me for NOTHING all the time?

i don't know sd, but i just get tired of he bitching so just don't do it anymore, ok?

ok, dad.

then she proceeds with being a disrespectful little bitch and the cycle repeats.