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Another Article on the Rise of the Lazy Parent Trend--TEETH BRUSHING!!!

Auteur's picture

Why am I NOT surprised? More lazy assed parenting!! Seems teeth brushing is optional these days! Who knew? I distinctly remember GG not having the "angels" brush their teeth because it was too "boring."

I literally think I saw a chicken wing hanging from Brainiac's middle class cosmetic status braces that he got slapped into at age eight by the Behemoth (no consulting with GG obviously)


Ommy's picture

I almost pee I was laughing so hard. She is a HOMEMAKER and was too busy to worry about her kid brushing their teeth. What takes up so much of your time. I work 40+ hours a week and still manage to clean, cook and over see the health and well being of my SKids, even though I am trying to disengage I watch from the corner of my eye and give FDH a heads up. I mean really how much work is being a Homemaker that you can have your kid brush his teeth at night!

Auteur's picture

You can be sure she was NO "homemaker" more like a "stay-in-bed" mom who just surfs the internet all day and does her twitter/facebook accounts while the kids run around in filled to the brim with poop diapers.

Auteur's picture

BINGO!! But who's to say she isn't already on CS? A lot of these BMs are stay-in-bed because they aren't made by the courts to go out and get a job.

Lola383's picture

My boyfriend's ex is SOOOOO lazy about getting their son to brush his teeth. We finally had to show a you tube video of what will happen to his teeth if he doesn't brush. Scared him to pieces and now he takes the initiative, but I still have to remind him at times when I'm at the house. Unbelievable!!!

Auteur's picture

OOOOH you can't do that!!! That's too TRAUMATIC for poosiekins!! And the BM will call CPS on you!! :sick:

Eagle Eye's picture

SS14 doesn't brush his teeth and if you tell him to do it he will go in the bathroom and then come out still no teeth brushed! His breath smells like a$$! DH knows but doesn't enforce the brushing!! I doubt he brushes when he's at BM's either!

I've busted him numerous times when he says he brushed his teeth yet the toothbrush is dry! He's had the same tube of toothpaste for the last two years! No joke!

Auteur's picture

"same tube of toothpaste for the last two years!"

I can do you one better. . .ALL THREE SKIDS had the SAME TUBE OF TOOTHPASTE for almost SIX YEARS!! I think I saw them brush a total of 3 times out of six years (all three skids)

hismineandours's picture

My ss had 13 cavities by the time he was 10 or so. I have no idea how many he has now as he's not been to the dentist since 2008. One of the many things on our to do list now that he is back in our care. I am pretty sure that he has not brushed his teeth since he moved in. My dd14 has 1 cavity, ds12 has two, and dd10 has none. My dd14 would die if she forgot to brush her teeth. My ds12 has brushed his teeth independently since starting middle school and discovering girls. My dd10 forgets sometimes, but generally brushes indpenedently.

I am 40 and have maybe 2 cavities. I do think some parents are lazy, but I also think it has to do with genetics. I've just got pretty good teeth as do my kids. I never floss (ducking my head in shame) and my kids dont either. Our diet is pretty good-we dont do sodas, juices, sugary stuff and never have. My understanding also is that it has something to do with the prenatal diet. I guess our bm had a sucky one.

bi's picture

OMG. teeth brushing is NOT optional. i'm a stickler about, i even have the date marked every 3 months on the calendar when it's time to replace toothbrushes. when bd was about 8, i picked her up after work one morning to take her to school from my gramma's. her breath was absolutely wretched from across the seat. i was instanly livid. i asked her if she had brushed her teeth, knowing she hadn't. she told me she didn't have time. i let loose on her, and told her "you MAKE time for it! now get your ass back in there and BRUSH them!" that never happened again.

bi's picture

i also took both kids to the dentist for the first time at a year old. bd17 has never had a cavity. bs3 has had 4. thanks to fdh doing stupid shit behind my back like switching his cup of water with diet sprite. that kind of crap parenting is why at 17, sd19 had to have 9 cavities filled. you can bet your ass i came unglued on fdh when i found out bs had cavities. it's because of his undermining me, not because of anything i am or am not doing. (insert pissed off face here).

cant win for losin's picture

You dont HAVE to brush ALL your teeth, just the ONES you WANT to KEEP!!!