Double standard I read the post about the female coworker sending an email through DH personal email acct. and EVERYBODY said it was clearly a boundary issue and that something like this should not happen. Everybody stood up and got defensive and didn't have any problem telling the OP that she should make her feelings completely known and talk about how the boundary had been broken.
But in the case of an inappropriate BM who clearly disrespects us and flirts/propositions/talks about personal stuff with our DH we are to basically back off and let him handle it. We are called jealous control feaks if we step in.
I think if kids were not involved and this was some ex that was a person DH HAD to deal with the advice would be much different. Even to the tune of becoming DH's personal assistant and managing the business for DH with this inappropriate ex.
I don't think that just because he has kids with this jerk BM that I have to just back off because I'm not the mom...I'm his wife!
But I have to admit, I hate dealing with her. The very idea makes my skin crawl...would much rather have the medicine...than spend one second in the same room with her. Being with her is a sort of punishment...but her blatant disrespect for our marriage is equally enraging. My DH would be so hurt if I continued in a relationship where he was treated in this manner. It's as though DH's tolerance of her makes me feel betrayed in every way.
It's really hard being in this situation, it is completely unnatural and maddening, and it is ultimately a no win situation.
anybody know how to make it a win win? i'm all ears, and disengaging isn't a win, win, it's a do or die tactic!
- asheeha's blog
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thanks for the responses! i
thanks for the responses! i was just really upset by some of the responses i read on a post about a bd not setting appropriate boundaries and also his high-frequent face-to-face interaction with bm at every little turn when this bm is a complete jerk to her, his wife. she ended up deleting her post...
i just really felt for her and it made me feel like the advice trivialized the situation to her being jealous and over-reacting. i'm in this situation and it's so maddening. especially, when you are told to just "suck it up" and disengage...let them handle it.
i try to remember why dh "tolerates" her. it's for the girls and that is IT! he's good at being completely disinterested in her but she can't take a hint. simply being in his presence without me there or talking on the phone with him is enough to encourage her little fantacy about having at least some piece of him still.
the ONLY thing that really slaps her back to reality is my presense. that's IT! dh is not an expressive man and so his bored attitude toward her is something he did when they were married...doesn't really make a statement to her. i told him he needs to look at her and treat her like she smells like a skunk...not a very mature moment for me, but maybe she'd get the message then.
also, not a good idea to do in front of the skids. so again, me, the SM, who get's nothing but snears, backs off for the good of the kids, because when the adults bicker and fight they are the ones who lose. don't you think it'd be self-proclaimed MOTY who loves her kids soooo much that would get over it for them!
maybe the best idea is to just disengage. avoid her whenever i can and just ignore her when i can't. but even if this is the best idea please understand it's not without a price and when giving advice don't trivialize the poster to being jealous and controling.
i take comfort in knowing bm is a complete idiot. dh has zero feelings of affection for her, her attempts to joke, talk, share her personal dating life are wasted on him. if she's trying to make him jealous or charm him, she's making a fool of herself. i loved the story of the dh who's ex would wear short shorts and bend over and he just didn't notice. she made an a$$ out of herself for no reason. ha! nice to posters with this problem it's real, at least say that instead of condem them!
A woman that is after a man,
A woman that is after a man, can only go as far as the man allows her to go.
His wife can yell, scream, bitch and fight all she wants. If the man doesn't out want it to stop, it won't.
yes, and in my personal
yes, and in my personal situation my dh would love to see her gone...forever. unfortuneately he has kids who he adores with her, this is enough to give her reason to believe she can act this way.
they have to have contact because they have kids, if they didn't he'd NEVER speak to her again...all well and good for him to do. but since they have kids he HAS to be around her. do you intentionally put people who want to destroy you in your life? no, because it's not healthy.
the best we can do is keep her at a healthy distance, but that doesn't mean it's not a terrible position to be in. and a trite response, no matter how true, won't be helpful to someone who has a real problem.
i wonder about the word
i wonder about the word jealousy...i'm just not the jealous type...never have been.
but there is, i guess, a jealous rage that boils in me when she does this crap and you know what? i think that kind of jealousy is OK and even healthy...
i'm not jealous of HER, i couldn't care less about her, but if she had the chance she'd tear my marriage apart! and THAT is the protective jealous rage that is inside of me.
Crazy women who think they
Crazy women who think they have a right to behave that way because they were once married. Crazy did that a few times and my DH once told me it made his skin crawl realizing she was a bigger slut than he ever thought! Lol She was MARRIED WITH KID FROM HER HUSBAND and still acting like a slut lol
and there it is CRAZY! i'm
and there it is CRAZY!
i'm faced with CRAZY and so normal rules do not apply.
kayro...I have really enjoyed
kayro...I have really enjoyed your advice in the past and appreciate it. But this is how I took your statement.
--->Gotta let the guy grow up sometime and manage his business.
thanks for that patronizing statement about how you think i "mommy" him.
maybe i'm different than you, but my marriage is a partnership. he tells me when he thinks i could handle a situation better and i tell him. he values my input and insight. he usually wants me around in stressful or uncomfortable situations because he feels a sense of strength from my support. there are also things he doesn't see and he wants me to inform him when this happens because he wants me to be happy. I have no intention of doing it FOR him, but I have no problem standing with him while he handles it and that works for us.
call it mothering if you will, but i call it how a healthy marriage works.
The problem is the man who won't cut that behavior right off.
well, i'd have agreed with you wholeheartedly until i had the great pleasure of experiencing his ex wife and getting a taste of what CRAZY is made of. Being a normal, reasonable human being is not something she's capable of and when I tell you the ONLY thing that brings her back to reality is my presence, I'm not exaggerating. I imagine that soon she will even manage to not let that intrude on her fantasy.
DH fails on rare occasions because he is a courteous man...but he's learning even minor courtesy with her feeds her delusions.
Are you a SM?
thanks flabby...
thanks flabby...
no, but i'm sort of rallying
no, but i'm sort of rallying on her behalf. i read through her post and really connected with what she feel,s then i read the responses and i was like...what? lots of people are attacking her...
she ended up deleting her post shortly after and it just got me thinking...and so i posted this because i saw a double standard in the advice given to the situation with the email and then the advice given to her.
i didn't see a huge difference between the two.
i never said i would verbally
i never said i would verbally confront her. there is absolutely no reason for that as she's a fully unreasonable person. my mere presence is enough to keep her to the task at hand and as short as possible. unfortunately, i hate being around her. some have called me clingy...but oh well, DH likes when i'm there so his opinion is the only one that matters to me.
DH has learned how to end the conversation. and he has said i will not get into that with you now, i want to talk about xyz. but i had to coach him through the first time.
---->He really really needs to learn how to recognize, set and enforce appropriate boundaries with other women because he has a wife who absolutely without question is priority over any other woman.
agreed! and he does this beautifully for the most part. but with her...he can, at times be a bit dense.
example...she needed to talk to him kid related but he doesn't go into her house anymore and she was adamant she didn't want the girls to hear so she hops in his truck to have this convo! with a normal person, no big deal. he didn't really think about it. it's about his kids right? well, no, it's a boundary, because she is actively seeking ways to destroy us! he didn't do anything with her, and i completely trust him, but her and him being alone in the cab of the truck is just not a good idea. just like him going into her house. just a boundary.
he got it once i told him.
but i guess the part that i felt was a double standard is that the post about the inappropriate email empowered the wife to talk to her husband. there was no insulting mention of jealousy and insecurity.
but when i see posts about dh's with bm's there is always this element.
even your initial post said i needed to let him grow up and that it was up to him. nothing about talking to him and setting down what the appropriate guidelines are.
never speaking to her is probably the right thing for him to do except he has kids with that's not really possible.
he's learning not to be so nice. but when he's in a hospital room to be with his daughter he is nice, it's these times i've decided to be with him because BM will push the boundary unless I'm there.
i actually want to give her the courtesy of not being there, because I know my personal presence irritates her, but if she can't respect even the institution of marriage enough to back off my husband, then i guess i'll show up to support my DH and my SD.
people on here have said one
people on here have said one time they thought the idea was "clingy"...nobody in REAL life does, so no...i don't take that very seriously.
as for the husband...yeah, it's a little frustrating. but he's pretty smart in other areas. and being married to a person like BM breaks you and makes you think bad behavior is normal. it takes a while to break out of that and learn how to stand up for yourself. call him weak if you want, but the fact that he does get it and does make the change, and does stand up to her! that's what matters more to me.
his mom told me once that he hasn't really laughed or been himself in years, while he was with BM he was a zombie. since he's been with me, it's like he's coming back to life. again, this matters more to me than how weird it might seem on a blog.
as for the hospital room, i have every right to be there as a guest for my step-child. keeping it about the child, i would do it for her in a heartbeat.
i also would appreciate my mom and my step-mom at the hospital supporting me.
maybe i said it wrong, but maybe this is better, i will not stay away to accommodate her feelings anymore...sorry she lost that courtesy.