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I am so sick of SD16!!!! And DH isnt helping matters.

areyoukiddingme's picture

So if you have read any of my previous posts, you would know that I have an entitled brat for a SD.

Last night at dinner, she asks if we can get her this new fleece that she wants. I had promised to get her a specific one this year that's around $20. When we discover that the one she wants is more than that DH offered to give her the $20 and she can pay the difference. But Nooooo that's not good enough. The conversation starts to spin out of control quickly at this point. Then she starts complaining that we never buy her anything, which is complete BS. So DH asks her why she continues to expect him to pay for things that cost more than what he makes. Where she expects him to get this money. SD16 starts talking about how DH makes more than BM and she knows this because BM has shown her the CS order. And because of this, DH should be responsible for all these extra things.

Now I didn't mention that we give SD16 $50 every other week to help out with gas and lunch money. Her school is almost a 20 minute drive from our house. Whichever way she manages that money is up to her. If she runs out of gas before she gets paid from work or before she's with us again. Tough luck. DH explained to her, yet again that he pays child support and provides her with this extra money, etc. and that she had the nerve to bring this up because it is NONE of her business. Unfortunately, she had already purchased the fleece because DH told her he would give her the money Friday if she did so. After this blow up, DH tells SD16 that he didn't have the $ and that he would get it Friday (today) after work. Her comment to that was that she isn't going to be here so how is she going to get it, in a snotty tone of course. At this point, I would have told her that this is when.she's getting the money and that's that. But what does DH do? He goes to the atm and gets the money out for her. WTF?

The disengagement process gets easier for me every day but its still hard to keep my mouth shut. I just want to tell her to get the hell out of my house and not come back until she can understand what a brat she has been.


starfish's picture

imho, i think you need more money to support your household (turn the heat on/up ~ it's still 93 where i'm at ~ ie, jack up household needs or donate to the animal shelters, at least that's tax deductible), so there is NO extra money for your little snot-nosed, self entitled, pita bitch of a sd. i would rather waste money than indulge dh's mistakes with whatever they wanted....

ThatGirl's picture

I had to deal with that same attitude. I can't tell you what a relief it was when she finally went to live with BM full time!

starfish's picture

your home, not hers.... be just as big of a bitch back to her, make her life hell so she wants to move out..... tell dh if his little bitch of an excuse for a person is going to treat you like shit, bring it, you've tried the high road and she takes advantage of it, so now it's on..... UNLESS, he is able to put her in her place! otherwise, STFU and stay out of the way, you have yourself and other children to protect!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

By any chance, is it one of those Pink fleece sweaters that she wants .......She has a job. Why is your husband still giving her money for things that she WANTS not that she NEEDS? And he gives her an extra $100 a month! Insane. Once I started working my parents quit buying me anything. They provided me with a roof over my head, gas so I could take warm showers, water so I could take showers, and a hot meal every night. Another thing, it blows my mind when these teenagers try to argue their way into getting what they want. Smack! Thats what they need.

Kes's picture

As long as your DH keeps giving in to her unreasonable demands, he is TRAINING her to be more demanding. He needs to wake up and realise he is not helping her develop into a financially responsible adult, and she will need to manage her own finances eventually - I have constant battles with my own DH on this issue - he is beginning to see it.