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Sick day while grounded from the TV...I'm looking for advice

Anywho78's picture

My SS9 has been atrocious both at school & at home. He has had at least 3 conduct marks per week & has been grounded from the TV & all electronics for what seems like FOREVER. He's had behavioral issues going on since SEPTEMBER...just to give you all an idea of how ridiculous things have gotten.

He has gained back TV a couple of times but always loses it within a day or two of watching it due to yet more conduct marks or him having a blatant disregard for simple house rules.

Before everyone jumps down my throat about discipline, he has written sentences, written apology letters to teachers, done muscle memory, lost electronics, lost the TV...the list goes on. He just DOES NOT CARE lately & it's been getting on my last freaking nerve.

He has been battling a cold for a few days now & when he came home from school, he was "off". I gave him a pre-spelling test & he was (oddly) unable to complete the simplest of words because his brain seemed scrambled. He was so off that he got weepy over the fact that his new "Kid's National Geographic" would have to wait until after he did his nightly reading (this is NOT his norm, ever!). Turns out, he has a temperature so I gave him medicine, got his fever down & he went to bed a bit early.

SO thought he could still go to school tomorrow but I decided to keep him home instead because his body is obviously fighting something off & I prefer that he gets rested & we'll see how he's doing on Monday.

Technically, he gets the TV back on Sunday because he hasn't had any conduct marks this week. Tomorrow is Friday. SO seems to think it's the ONLY thing to do when one is not well. When I was young, TV was not on the menu whether we were sick or not.

So here's my you guys think I HAVE to let him watch TV just because he's sick?

Please bear in mind that I have been at my wits end with this child...I've had it with his behavior & my patience level with him is lower than normal, just because of what's been going I am open to your thoughts...


Anywho78's picture

Those were kind of my thoughts too...but I wasn't sure if it's just because my fuse is short with him or not.

Thank you SMMelissa.

twopines's picture

Nope, I don't think you have to let him watch TV just because he's sick. When my DD is sick enough to be home from school, she's in her TV-less room being quiet and resting. She reads and sleeps.

Lalena75's picture

sleep and books or coloring books, thats what mine get when they are sick even when not in trouble

Anywho78's picture

Thank you all for the advice...I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being "mean" just because I've been agitated with the kid.

It's good to know that I'm not being mean Wink

I suppose it's pretty bad when I doubt myself like this...UGH!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

No. In fact, I don't allow my kids to watch TV or play video games or computer games when they are home sick. If you're too sick to go to school, you are also excused from chores. However, you have no access to electronics. You may rest, read, draw, color, or use an activity book. The older ones usually opt to read or do word searches, while the little littles read or color. They also have one of those Magna Doodle boards, like an Etch a Sketch, but cooler. But no, no TV.