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SD14's birthday party was uneventful

Anywho78's picture

The birthday party was highly uneventful…I hung out on the porch by the pool with SO while BM Redneck was inside with all of her friends & family. SO of course also hung out with SD14 when she wasn’t in a mood hiding in her room.

The resident Skids, SS8 & SD7, of course turned into heathens…they stayed with MIL & she dropped them back off with us after 9pm last night. Today, SD7 is being a turd which always happens when she visits anyone…oh fun!

MIL hung out at the party both inside & outside. There was one funny incident right before SO & I left…MIL stated that it was nice seeing BM Redneck & SO talk to each other like adults…that alone would have been fine but her in all of her mouthy glory decided to keep on talking…she started saying all sorts of crap to them in front of me. BM Redneck glanced my way & said “now MIL, we’ve had a great drama free visit & we’d like to keep it that way…want some cake?” I laughed, high fived BM Redneck & told MIL that she was just told to eat & not talk. BM Redneck told her to PLEASE let her know when she needed more food. So we left on a good note. Smile