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And we're off to crazy land again

Anne Boleyn's picture

First, FDH had court with BM today at 9AM for the magistrate to make decisions on his contempt charges against BM (couterfiled from when she brought him up on contempt charges that were dismissed). BM didn't show. Apparently, she got a new phone and appointments didn't carry over. She apologized profusely. Also, court screwed up and didn't send the court date notice to her new residence so they couldn't exactly blame her for that. So they are rescheduling.

FDH worked from home after court (he works an hour away) and just left to take SD12 to her therapist appointment. He just called me from the car asking for moral support. He had called SDs to let them know to be ready and packed. He talked to SD12 and she informed him that she would NOT be attending counseling nor staying with us tonight for his visitation. He talked to BM and she said she'd reinforce the message that SD doesn't have a choice in this matter. Of course, BM will likely just stand there when he arrives and tell him it is his problem to handle and not help in the least.

We had a long talk on his ride. He doesn't know what to do if she refuses to get in the car. I told him to tell her the computer is gone for a full month if she doesn't. He said it's already gone for a month. I told him to extend it to two months and inform her that she will be 1- attending all counseling appts 2- WILL be visiting at all scheduled visitation and 3- WILL attend school unless she has a real physical ailment and that if she doesn't do all three, she will have the computer taken away an additional month for each infraction AND that she will not go to any of her anime conventions (that they have to pay for and spend their weekends doing when she goes) for SIX full months.

Poor guy is nervous. I told him to remember that he is her father, she is a child and he's doing what is best for her. I reminded him that he will be glad he's going through this hard stuff now and correcting it before she's a crazy 16 year old punching us in the face for asking her to pick her laundry off the floor and setting her up as a future adult who isn't shocked by the reality that the world isn't run by her.

Wish him luck! He's picking her up right now. More to come, I am sure!


stormabruin's picture

Tell her the CO says she WILL come for visitation & that if she doesn't, it puts her mother in contempt of court.

Let BM hear it & see if motivates her to help her daughter out to the car.

Why is SD fighting the visitation?

Anne Boleyn's picture

She is 12-- I think it's highly inappropriate to scare her into with discussions of adult matters such as court. She needs to understand, across the board, that she needs to do what she's asked or she suffers consequences. FDH asked me why I thought she was so difficult and defiant. I said "It's simple. It has worked for her. She has had no consequences for misbehavior and she knows if she throws a fit, she gets her way". It really is that simple and I blame them for it.

I have no idea why she doesn't want to visit. She doesn't ever want to leave her house. Period.

Jsmom's picture

She needs consequences and as for BM, she needs to be made to understand that she is only 12 years old and has no say in visitation. Letting her get away with this stuff is what started all our problems and led to SD suing us to live with BM fulltime when she turned 14....

Now at 17 DH is still trying to repair the damage he did giving up control.