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Irritated with SD12s behavior Part 2

Annanymous's picture

I told her it was unacceptable that she was a liar and that it was trashy to go out with yet ANOTHER of her friend's recently ex-boyfriends. Her father told her she is no longer aloud to have "middle school 'boyfriends' at school or in any way". SHe never been on a "date" or anything, they just say bf/gf at school. This boy was kissing her BFF two weeks ago and her parents made her break up with him for sneaking off to the park to meet and kiss him (and the BFFs dad drove by and caught her).

I told her in no uncertain terms she was NOT allowed to 'date' this boy.

He talked to her because I was way way to angry.

Today, I told her I was disappointed with her behavior...she said "what are you talking about I didn't do anything wrong"...I told her she lied and snuck and damaged my trust and respect for her by doing so. She rolled her eyes and flipped her hand and said she didn't do anything wrong! I said you were a liar and you snuck to go out with this boy after we talked extensively about how trashy it would be to go out with ANOTHER friend's recent ex(the last boy she did the same thing with a week after that friend was made to break up with that boy)...she said "whatever, it was two whole weeks after she had to break up with him.." rolled her eyes, flipped her hand, and said "Daaaaaddy, she called me a liaaaat, so I said Whateeeeever". Little shit is real lucky I did not jump across that kitchen table and smack her right across her face. I was so pissed off. Daddy said "then stop lying and sneaking and maybe we won't be disappointed with your lying".

She now has no phone and no computer, no going anywhere, and her father said if he even hears a rumor of her "dating" another boy she would be in a world of hurt.

This kid has really been changing lately. she is so jealous of her friends its disturbing. She jumps on dating their exes within a few days of the girls breaking up with them (eww right?). They posted on her facebook how they (the girls) love SD12 and want to not lose their friendship with her, but they are having a hard time dealing with it but are glad she is happy. SD12 is snotty to them and says "everyone is selfish and needs to think about SD12's feelings first" and "I won't be your friend no more if you don't say you're happy for me to date him". omfg seriously.

This is NOT the way I raised this girl to behave. I am extremely disappointed with her behavior and actions and the crap she has been saying to these friends. So very disappointed right now. She dare pop off with that eye roll and 'whatever'...


GillyWilly's picture

Tell her that she will get a reputation as the one who takes everybody's left-overs (if she hasn't already). I don't know your situation but it seems like you are very involved with her... are you able to disengage and not get involved in her personal dramas? She isn't your responsibility after all.

Annanymous's picture

We both told her "sloppy seconds ExBF taker reputation" when we first told her she wasn't allowed to date the boy and why and that it was tacky and friends would be mad, even if they say they won't, but that regardless, she was not allowed to "go with" the boy (not dating, but they say BF/GF at school. Unfortunately, you can't really stop any of them from "going together" at school, they'll just do it they'll just lie.

Yeah, as annoying as this situation (and a few other situations with sneaky lying tween behaviors) is, she's my responsibility and I am raising her as the 'mother parental figure'.

OF course I love her, I'm just pissed at her right now for doing something so stupid that we talked about in such depth and then sneaking to go with the boy and lying to me about it.