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My words don't matter

alwaysthemom's picture

I've blogged this issue before about BM calling HB at work(he works nights). I've expressed to him how it bothered me that he takes time out of his so called busy day for her. She could call when he's home for all questions but chooses to wait til he's at work. It really chaps me. What the kicker is is that since I have expressed my dislike of the calls at work he has answered her calls not once, not twice but 4 times. I have even caught on to him erasing some. But the issue here is, last Friday, HB calles me on my cell. He askes if the phone is off the hook. I say no the kids are on the phone with their friends(typical friday afternoon). He preceeds to tell me BM called him at work to find out why she couldn't get through at the house. When I hear that I get mad. I ask him is that the only reason for him calling me is to find out why BM can't get through. He says no but of course I know different cause he never calls the house phone if he wants to talk to me or the kids. But what is so crappy about the whole situation is that SS went to the dentist about 2 months ago and BM has never paid her part and I asked DH to ask her for the money. He never did and ignored my request. So when he called about the phone being tied up I said well since you can do things for her why can't you ask BM about the money she owes. At this point I'm mad and he says I'll call her right now. Of course she says I'll have to pay it out. I tell him hell she's had the 30 days provided by the court order, so you're just going to let her be a charity case. The dentist didn't give us the option to PAY IT OUT!!! Anytime she calls about something he gets right on it. I just don't understand. Then last night while I was talking to DH he says, you seem so distant, what's the problem? At this point I just don't feel like repeating myself once again. I feel like what I have to say doesn't matter anyway so why waste my breath.


smurfy1smile's picture

My BF procrastinates too and it irritates me. I have to ride him to get anything done in regards to BM and I hate it. I have better things to do with my time, but if I don't do it, it will not get done and then BF gets upset.

No one told me I would have to "mother" my BF.