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Well crap, the "good" skid is no longer

always_anxious's picture

SS17 and I have always gotten along. Good in school, listens, responsible.

Until 2 years ago when we found out he was drinking and smoking pot at his moms. We took him out of her house and moved him with us. He's been on track with college prep courses and college applications.

Well, friday we get the call from the principal. The boy was plastered on school campus at a football game. We never knew him and his friends were getting drunk tailgating at the school games. So now... we are waiting to hear if he's expelled.

A sleazy idiot BM and a dad who told himself in the early years that the kids were best with mom. Let BM make all the decisions and was passive. Anything he tries to do now as a parent, isn't taken seriously.

Look what we get to deal with. SS who keeps screwing up. SD who is basically a lazy pothead and plays victim. I'm so glad I have control of my own kid.


DaizyDuke's picture

Ugh... living the dream... My SS is going to be 18 in March. ZERO hopes of graduating, he only has 11 of the 21.5 credits he needs, because he can't be bothered to go to school consistently, even though BM2 lives TWO blocks from the high school and only works PT and doesn't have to be to work until 11 a.m., so has no excuse for not ensuring that the kid gets his ass out of bed and to school. They also live within walking distance of TWO major shopping/eating areas with TONS of potential places to get a job.. but nope. No job for SS! Too lazy to go to school, MUCH too lazy to have a job! Geesh! But BM has text DH twice now in the past 3 months asking for his "help" in getting SS motivated and graduated. LMAO! Woman, DH has been trying to do these things for years!!! But every time DH has a talk with SS, or a yell at SS or ANYTHING, SS runs back to BM2 and she poo poos him and tells DH he's being mean, or the worst father etc. So what is the point now? The kid is almost 18... little late to be running around trying to put out a forest fire with a medicine dropper.

The only time DH talks to SS is when DH puts for the effort to call and see what he's doing, or take him out to lunch or something. SS NEVER calls DH... oh except for when he wants something, like yesterday when he text DH and asked if he could have some money to go shopping with his GF next weekend since... DH didn't buy him any school clothes. Entitled, punk face snot. DH said why they hell would he buy school clothes for a kid who doesn't go to school and if he wants money, he should get a job or ask his mother for the CS money that DH sends. It's maddening.

SD19 is tucked away at college... reporting that she is doing "well" but have yet to see anything in writing. So time will tell. She hasn't had a major drama fest since summer so I'm sure we're due for one in 3,2,1...any given moment. Ugh. Feel for you Anxious! Our skid life has always been so paralleled (unfortunately)BUT like you, I REFUSE to let our BS6 be like either skid and DH is with me on that one. DH said he can't wait for BS to be a successful adult, so he can tell skids that if they just would have listened to him instead of their idiot, loser mothers, MAYBE they could have made something of themselves. Hell BS6 is ALREADY 10000 times more successful than either skid!

always_anxious's picture

We do parallel so much after all these years. Its really crazy. SD21 is not in college, but working. She has some health issues along with her drug use. Shocking.

SS really had a good thing going. We will find out soon if he's expelled. In any case, I can't control what he does. He's a 17 year old boy and dad needs to be more strict on him. I am kinda just giving up.

Maybe just having a bad day too. I'm tired of SO's job being always up in the air (where we will live, if we have to relocate more in the future). I'm tired of the inaction and the lack of proactive parenting.

I just want to deal with my little one and know that I am the one who is going to keep him in line. At least with our son, my SO follows my lead.

robin333's picture

I hope this is just an adolescent slip up. It sounds like you and your DH have made a difference in his life.

always_anxious's picture

I believe we have, but I'm tired of trusting and being let down. He was brought here because of drug use. His mother ignored it and let her own father give the boy weed. I mean seriously???

We bring him here, wipe the slate clean and this is the appreciation. If this were the one time, I'd probably be less upset. It just isn't.

Sorry for the negativity. I'm just really tired of these people today.

robin333's picture

You're not being negative. You've invested time and energy into this kid. Of course you are going to be frustrated when you see any regression.

Your BM is a whackadoodle. Obviously, she used the best friend parenting style. I wonder wtf goes through the minds of parents with that approach.

Indigo's picture

Hope it's merely a bit of back-sliding due to peer pressure. Impulsive, momentary poor choice. Teen lack of fore-thought and that dratted slowly maturing prefrontal lobe.

Congrats for all that you've done for this kid. Hopefully it will evolve as a learning experience rather than a life-diverting event.

BethAnne's picture

Teenagers drink and do stupid things. He isn't shooting up drugs or mugging old ladies. He is still a good kid. Let the school and his parents decide on suitable punishments then support him so that he can still follow his ambitions.