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Maggots in the cereal...really?

alittleaggravated's picture

:jawdrop: Hubby and I are sitting on our respective couches relaxing, watching Seinfield, catching up with each other about our day. He had conference calls on the hour every hour. I worked from home, so I get all the calls. BD woke up in pain...cramps...had her pop some Advil, put the heating pad on her belly, gave her breakfast and sent her to school. A few hours later, the school calls...she's in the nurse's office...more cramps...told the nurse to give her advil and let her rest then send her back to class. Two hours later, I was at the school picking her up...dr. wanted to see her...her period has lasted 8 days so far...time to go to a pediatric gyno...great. Can't get an appointment for 6 mos...ok, so that's on the calendar...glad its not an emergency.

So I was on FB, talking to some of this kids about how they were feeling today...rough day in the school. Grief counsellors and talking about the death of their friend. Then a message from my SS. Call now! then, he already dialed his father...he thinks he ate some maggots in his cereal. BM is trying to get in touch with their pediatrician (who I can't stand and think is incompetent) go...she left a message and was waiting for a call back. Meanwhile SS is freaking out. I called my BD's pediatrician. He answered on the second ring (gotta love a Dr. who answers the phone himself after hours!) He knows me well. I explained what happened. He told us not to worry about it, if SS gets loose bowels, to call him. He'll be on call all night. I let SS know, he calms down a bit. BM is still freaking out. Told SS to have her call us...that was 2 hours ago, never heard from her. Their pediatrician finally called back and told them not to worry, but is giving him something to flush him out...I'm guessing, no school for him tomorrow...that could get ugly.

I'm more of a wait and see kind of parent. Once the Dr. says just watch for something, I watch. I'm not putting anything into anyone (medications) unless it is absolutely necessary. I don't see the necessity this time. I tell SS, to pick the maggots out of the cereal, fry them and coat them with chocolate....the extra protien will be good for him. I then threated to call his grandmother if he doesn't calm down....she'll have him in the hospital pumping his stomach in 10 secs. He didn't see the humor. LOL

I'm sending homemade brownies and cookies to the school for him and his friends tomorrow....Maybe I'll make him some jello worms and put them in his dinner on Wednesday...just as a joke....Naaaaa...he may not see the humor, but I think its funny!


alittleaggravated's picture

That cake is hysterical...not sure I could do it without gagging tho...but gummy worms in his buttered noodles or mashed potatoes...that I could do!

alittleaggravated's picture

I have no F*&King idea! I thought maybe mealy bugs, but nope...maggots. Wasn't my house!

ddakan's picture

Well, my stepdad always said "Come and get it while it's hot, good old maggots fried in snot."

I would have told the kid to poke his finger down his throat and make himself puke all the maggots out, then give him some pepto and tell him this is a good "war story" for you to tell later in life.

I actually made oatmeal for my ex husband once that had maggots in it. When we sat down to eat it, I realized they were there and I threw it out. (If I knew then what I know now I might have let him eat, no i'm too nice.) Apparently, that oatmeal had been in the pantry awhile. I don't eat oatmeal anymore now!!