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In need of inspiration...

AlexandraL's picture

As I posted earlier this week, I ended things with my BF. At first I was numb and now I am very sad, but feel my decision was the right thing. I think the hardest part of it all is accepting that I made the decision to move to my new town and all the negative things that resulted from that. I left a good paying jobs and colleagues that I loved, left my family, who helped me as a divorced mom of two, my hometown, my friends. I took a job in my new state and was unhappy, so I suppose it was a gift in a way that my position was eliminated earlier this year. I've been unsuccessfully looking for work and unfortunately live in a very economically depressed area with little opportunities for someone working in the field I do. It is so bad, in fact, I am having to return to an old career that I didn't like in hopes of trying to find work.

So, I am unemployed and living in a place where I don't know anyone and where jobs are scarce. I can't move home because my kids -- thank God -- are thriving in school and are know how high schoolers depend on their social network. I think that moving them home would be detrimental, and I just want them to be ok. After all, I was the one who moved them in the first can I move them again because I am miserable?

I have gotten involved in two different volunteer groups and am slowly getting to know my neighbors. I've met a couple of women who are also transplants to this area but am still just starting to build a relationship with them. Damn, it's like dating!

I am not a religious person but was considering going to church to get some roots. I am going to keep reaching out and trying, but right now, I feel completely scared and adrift. I really have no one to help me should I have an emergency, well, except my neighbor. I have full physical custody of my kids.

Anyway, I was just hoping someone whose had an ending had any words of inspiration for me. A succcess story. Flourishing after a breakup and building a new life that is thriving. Is there anyone here? Dorothyparkerwannabe...I know you had a painful are things going?

I just need some positive vibes ladies! This is one of the most difficult things I have been through...


hornet64's picture

After almost 4 years of abuse, I left my marriage almost 6 years ago. I moved 3 states away from that situation to a town where I knew no one... had no family... no friends. Ended up getting a job that I initially didn't like, but as time went on, I grew to enjoy the job. Not only that, I found a church. I hadn't been to church in years, but felt exactly like you do now... overwhelmed with emotions that you think are going to eat you alive. Getting back into church was one of the best things I could have done. It got me grounded and focused again.

I know the last thing you want to hear is "time heals all wounds" but you know what? It does... Staying active helps too whether it's making new friends or getting a new hobby. And you know what else? A year and a half ago, a man came along who showed me more love than I had felt in a long time... and this year, I married him.

Now, are we perfect? No... are his children perfect? Goodness, no! If you read my other posts, you will find out that his little girl drives me up a wall! BUT! We have a lot of love and I know we can get through anything. I know things seem dim now... I've been there... but it DOES get better. Like my dad always used to tell me... just tie a knot and hold on!