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The lingering effects of a miserable marriage?

AJanie's picture

I went to the salon for a cut and color and my stylist pointed out a bald spot in the back, hidden mostly, and called over the owner and he said it looks like alopecia areata, asked me if I have been "stressed."

I told them the divorce was hugely stressful and tried to blink away the tears until I got in the car.  Then I googled... bad idea.  Stories of women getting multiple bald spots and even some losing all of their hair.

I am really trying to lower my stress, I bought vitamins and plan to eat better... an all around lifestyle change. I have a physical coming up so I will have all my blood levels checked. I dont know...I feel like I have aged 10 years since I left him and during the last year I was with him I was a wreck 24/7.  I don't know the reason for this post, I guess a vent, and to see if any women have had this happen?

I just finally felt some of the stress and sadness lifting and then this. 


MoominMama's picture

My sister developed a lare patch of alopecia back in her youth. It all grew back and never returned so let's hope it the same for you. Stress affects us all differently but losing hair is very difficult to live with.

fairyo's picture

lost all her hair when she fourteen years old- she never missed a day of school, went to University and is now married with two children. No wonder I have no time for spoilt entitled brats...

thinkthrice's picture

when the skids were coming over for their entitlement sessions...errrr I mean visitation.

Although post menopausal, my hair has returned to healthy since the skids PASed out.  I use Sally Beauty store "One" cleanser, never blowdry, do scalp massage and use naturtint.  My hair has been grey since my FIRST marriage!!

AJanie's picture

Thanks everyone. After I left and moved out I felt great in a sense but I’ve also struggled with panic attacks and anxiousness. I was reading up on alopecia areata and picturing myself with huge bald patches and started sobbing. I’m emotionally triggered these last several months very easily.

it comforts me to hear similar stories. When I reflect on the last several years I realize that I was in a near constant state of fight or flight. Now that I feel happier... I am almost scared... waiting for the other shoe to drop.

your support means a lot.

StepUltimate's picture

I get stress-related physical symptoms like stress-zits near lower jaw/chin area, insomnia, heart palpitations, exczema (stress makes it worse), but not hair-loss. I'm returning to yoga this week though because as an anxious person, it's been the thing that has helped the most in addition to eating really healthy. My anxiety & frustration about SS17, great sadness at losing my incredible dog and also a dear friend to cancer last year, plus my age (50 in a few years) and really got me off-track physically & my health and weight have been suffering. 

DaniellaR's picture

I agree with everyone about stress, hair loss, alopecia, etc. just wanted to add. Make sure are eating enough throughout the day. I know when I am stressed, I don't eat. I went on a very strict diet last year and started losing hair because I wasn't eating enough calories. Took a few months of better eating to stop the severe hair loss. If you find your hairthinning then Another thing that helped big time is lower the heat! Turn the shower temp down to luke warm. Lower the heat on the blow dryer, flat iron,etc. I was shedding hair like crazy and it really started to show around my forehead. As soon as I lowered the heat on everything, my hair quit thinning. It is almost back to normal now.

AshMar654's picture

I never had a marriage dissolve or gone through a divorce. I had a nasty break up a while back with a guy I was living with. The anxiety, stress and emotional roller coaster of it all gave me some serious side effects. I lost about 30+ lbs in two months from the stress and depression. I also lost so much of my hair it was not even funny. It was coming out in clumps. My hair dresser said it was really bad. If I pulled my hair back you could see my scalp. That was about three years ago. It was not just the break up, he would not leave me alone even when I asked, (he cheated and still wanted to be friends), We had a place together I kicked him out and was not responsible for everything all on my own, it was the first time I had ever really lived by myself.

Anyway, I started to taking Biotin everyday for several months to get the hair to just start growing again. It worked and I still have short hairs growing in all over the place. I will warn you it will take time for things to level out and for your hair to return. Remind your self everyday that this is temporary and eventually it will get better. Everything will. If you fret over things like your hair it will only get worse. Please when you get in those bad moments take a second and breath deep a few times to calm yourself and just say out loud something positive. I am good, I will make it through all this. I use "you are better than this, you need to just put it out of your mind."

Best of luck