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Advice for X not paying CS

2nd wives club's picture

X and I have been divorced since 2012. He was unemployed when we divorced, so he's required to pay the minimum CS- a whopping $256 a month!

He stopped paying CS regularly in the summer of 2018, so I set up the CS payments to be managed through our state's CS system. Once that was set up, he paid on time for awhile, then stopped sending payments again this past summer.

In September, I got fed up with it and told him that I would not be meeting him half-way to do the kid exchange (we live 3 hours drive distance away from each other) if he couldn't be bothered to pay CS. He sent in a payment for October, and I've seen nada since.

Over Thanksgiving, I kept my word and he brought DD and DS home. When DD came in, she started crying and said that she felt bad for X having to drive all the way. When I saw how much it upset her I felt like a complete asshole. So now that is OFF the table. I'm not going to upset DD like that again!

So here we are in December, and X still has not sent any money. His driver's license is probably suspended because it's been over 90 days.

Any advice?

It's not a lot of money but it comes in handy when I'm shelling out $$$ for DD's dance company classes, etc.  I don't want to (nor could I legally), stop visitation with their dad. I'm also worried about X driving the kids around if his license IS suspended.


tog redux's picture

Can't they garnish his wages? Or he's one of those "work under the table to avoid CS" guys.

File a petition for non-payment. Make sure the court knows he's not paying. Here, they can take his tax returns and even put him in jail.

2nd wives club's picture

He's probably working under the table (he's a carpenter). I'm not sure if my state garnishes wages or not.

But if he does file a tax return and is getting a refund, the state will flag his return and apply his refund to his CS arrears. That's probably the only way I'm going to see any $$$.

I used to work in a local tax office and I'd hear the "b-tch took my refund" outbursts at least a few times a week. Well, dude, maybe you should've paid your CS!


tog redux's picture

I'm guessing all states can garnish wages, though it appears you might need a court order in some places to do so. (Here, BM just marched down and asked them to do it, and they did - joke's on her, it was easier that way).

You can probably find out just by googling.

agitated's picture

Honestly, from my experience (I live in FL - not sure where you live) child support in this country is a damn joke. My ex owes me $24,000 and has never had is license suspended. He currently has a warrant out for his arrest and he is on probation. His probation officer has talked to him about this, but does nothing. I mean, come on! He has a warrant out for his arrest!!!! He will make small, a smack in the face, payments of a few bucks to keep CS from pursuing him though. As long as he pays one penny periodically, CS says, "but he's trying." BS