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Is DW delusional or is this typical of every mother?

Major Blunder's picture

DW has been terribly heartbroken over the past two years mainly by SD 26 but SD 20 has done her part as well, however DW has been able to build some walls and defenses to SD26 which I am very proud of, the problem is she is still aloowing SD 20 the same lee way she used to provide SD 26 , when you come down to it they are the same, the major differences are that SD20 hasn't gotten arrrested or knocked up yet, there are temperment differences but they both just take and use who ever they can.

SD 20 has told DW she was trying to get her old job back from a fast food place, she walked out of it about a year ago.  DW believes that if SD 20 gets a job she will be" like her old self again".  Now I haven't asked DW what that means because even when she was working she didn't contribute, she didn't treat people better, etc etc etc, not sure what DW is expecting to see come from this.

DW has mentioned more than once that she can't stand to lose another daughter, and yes that is dramatic but SD 26 is on a path of death either by her own hand or anothers. DW seems to be ok ( really she just ignores it because of her fear of losing another daughter) with SD 20 not doing things around the house but of course if she does you would think she just saved us from a burning building and I say nothing (disengaged).

I guess every mother has to hold on to hope that their loser kid will become he bright shiney star that mommy wants to see them as.

Ok, that's my rant as triffling as it may be.

Major Blunder's picture

I have boundaries, I don't ask about SD 20, I don't comment (except to myself), I just DW tell me stuff about her and sometimes fake interest.

justmakingthebest's picture

Your DW has stated that she is terrified of losing both of her daughters. One is gone, maybe not dead but gone. She has (it seems) accepted that -- Which is HUGE! Many, many, many parents of addicts don't ever stop enabling. They keep hoping that if they love that child enough the child will love them back enough to stop. 

What she is doing with SS20 makes sense. It isn't pleasant for you at all! But it makes sense. If your wife isn't in counseling, she should be in it. Also, support groups in your area for families of drug/alcohol addicts would probably help. It might even help her with those boundaries for SS20.

Major Blunder's picture

I agree she should be in counseling, but she would not go for it, giving excuses like financial, time etc and support groups would be good as wll but she would use the same excuses, the main one is time and being exhausted which we both are lol

justmakingthebest's picture

I get that, I really do. However, maybe if you push for it and go with her it might help you both. Find a meeting. Promise a romantic dinner after. Do something to get her to at least the 1st support group meeting. She needs your help on this.

notasm3's picture

I guess every mother has to hold on to hope that their loser kid will become he bright shiney star that mommy wants to see them as.

And fathers too.  Poor DH so wants to believer that loser/user SS33 has turned a new leaf.  He's just found a better (slightly) class of woman to mooch off of.   His older son the former gang member involved in murder is now deceased so he really is dead.

That's okay as long as DH does not attempt to make me have anything to do with that ahole.