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Never said I was your mom's picture

So DH got a letter from bm's attorney stating she is going to be asking for him to pay some of her attorney fees. Do any of you know how often this gets granted and under what reasons is this granted?

misSTEP's picture

Usually, it will only get granted if one person is the sole cause of the action. And even then, if the other person gets something out of it, the judge can still rule that each pay their own.

Never said I was your mom's picture

thank you she only got an attorney after the judge granted the motion to dh, after she got the attorney the judge stated was a "clerical error" as to why she granted DH's motion she turned response to motion late while she was representing herself.

tradingplaces's picture

Out of 3 times in court in the last 12 months, she was granted attorney's fees once. This was after DH refusal to reimburse her for medical that he didn't agree with and was NOT warranted. However he still disregarded their agreement..fair or unfair..and had to pay.