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Maybe someone here can help!

alwaysthemom's picture

Where do I need to begin the process of contempt of court? HB ex is suppoose to pay 50% of uncovered health costs within 30 days of recieving a bill. She has not done that. This is not the first time. We have allowed her to slide by several times. This is it. I can't get any response from Att. Gen. about anything. Maybe I'm being petty, she only owes $15 but that is not the point in my opinion. The last time it was $80 and it took her 3 months to pay. The order states that if it's not paid in the alloted time she has to reimburse the whole amount. What do you think?


stepwitch's picture

But, if you got a bill from the utility company for 15.00, what would happen if you didn't pay in the alotted time? HHMMM.....

You owe, you pay, or face consequences - that's how I was raised and I'm sure you also.

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

missangie1978's picture

All you need to do is look up "contempt forms" for your state and fill them out and take them down to the court house and file them. Then you will get a day in court and the judge will decide what to do.

Honestly for $15 might now be worth it.

smurfy1smile's picture

But I would go for contempt anyway and bring up all the other times she did not pay and you all let it slide. It's worth a shot!

now4teens's picture

What steps would SHE take if HE didn't hold up his end of agreement, i.e, paying the child support on time?

I bet she'd be on the phone to him 10x/day and threatening to take him to court in that case!

It's always amazing to me how one-sided these things seem to be in some people's eyes.

So no, you're not being petty. You're being fair. A contract is a contract- for BOTH parties.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

Rags's picture

We have the same caveat in our judgement. All medical expenses not covered by insurance are split 50/50.

14 years of glasses, contacts, knocking teeth out during bicycle accidents, broken arm, co-pays ...... and SpermDad owes us well over a thousand dollars.

He refuses delivery of anything from my wife. We took the situation to the judge and he told us to take them to small claims court.

So ....... good luck I hope your judge is better at holding your opponent accountable than our judge is.

Good luck and best regards,