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Question about liability

Roselin's picture

Hi All - it's been a long time since I've been here. I hope you've all been doing well. I moved out - moved back in. Couples counseling is going exceptionally well and I feel like we are FINALLY on the right track. It is amazing to me how little we really have understood one another through the years. I guess communication means you both have to understand what is being said : ) I recommend this Imago therapy for any couple - it is amazing.

Anyway, the 17-year old SD is still creating havoc. Her dad is pretty permissive and even though she has shown little change in behavior, he gave her even more freedom during our separation. Now I find out she is drinking - even at school - and having a lot of sex with her boyfriend. I have given away any responsibility for discipline to DH and SD's BM - but I am concerned about liability issues. Even though DH knows she is drinking - he is still letting her drive. Since we are married and the car is in our names, I'm really worried about my liability should she get in an accident and injure someone. I'm going to get my name off the insurance for the vehicle as well as the title, but I don't know if that really helps. I'd hate to lose everything I've worked my whole life for because of her risky behavior. Has anyone had to face this? Any ideas?

Also Happy Easter - I hope the weekend goes well for all.


ColorMeGone2's picture

Definitely take your name off the title and registration. I'm not sure you CAN take your name off the insurance, unless you do not drive the vehicle in question and it is not garaged at your residence. Check with your insurance company on that. Also, check the laws of torts in your state. Some states consider stepparents liable for the conduct of stepchildren when acting in place of the natural parent. Scary, yes.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

smurfy1smile's picture

I think you can get your own policy for your vehicle(s). Do not let SD drive your car and don't drive hers. When I was first married, my ex had a DWI years before we were married and my insurance would not cover him so we had 2 insurance companies. One for me and one for him.

I agree with Georgia - check you state for stepparent liablity.

Roselin's picture

Thanks for your thoughts. DH may just take the car away on weekends and drive her to and from where she needs to go. Boy these teen years are hard! Stepparents seem to get to be the designated scape goat. SD has an excuse for EVERYTHING and is just exhibiting way too much risky behavior. DH is feeling like a terrible father. The counselor says she has WAY TOO MUCH POWER. Imagine that. Thanks again.