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Finally :)

inadequate33's picture

OSD27 has been awful to me since her wedding back in July of last year. She has on every occasion that she's had to let me know that I am not part of "her" family (including with DH) and tries to put me in my place.

Tonight, she called...normally when she calls, I don't answer the phone because I honestly can't stand to even hear her voice. But after my confrontation with twinSD last night, I felt a little bolder and a little more empowered and thought - why am I afraid to answer my phone in my house?

So I answered the phone and there was a pause and a voice filled with contempt said "Is my dad there?" to which I replied, "Let's try this again. When you call our house, you will respectful to me and say "hi ***, is my dad there?" The little bitch said "No I won't, and I don't have to respect you and you can't keep me from talking to my dad." DH was standing right there while I repeated to him what she said.

FINALLY, he took up for me. She started a conversation with him, avoiding what had just happened, and he said to her "it is not helping my situation when you are disrespectful to my wife - when you call the house, you say hi to her and then ask for me." She hung up on him. Inside, I was dancing! He stuck up for me and I finally had the guts to stick up for myself. I feel so much better than I did yesterday.

OT - that "mutual friend" who was handling our portfolio? I emailed him and asked him for all of our usernames and passwords and then changed them all. With "friends" like him, who needs enemies?

dodgegal05's picture

Go you! I wish I had stood up to my now ex skids, but it'd be like talking to a, even a rock can soak up something. I figure karma will do the job for me someday. I am so jealous that your hubby stood up to the sd. My now ex would never do that. He'd rather let them call me names/ be rude in front of him and accuse me of being rude.
Before long you SD will avoid you and DH and life will be wonderful.

inadequate33's picture

Crap...spoke too soon...I hate having 4 female skids. TwinSD that I thought I had a good relationship with found it necessary to tattle on my BD that she took her boyfriend downstairs to her room (don't get me wrong - she's going to hear about it), but DH said the biggest problem in our family is that everybody minds everyone else's business. Well SD did it, and instead of DH saying "It's none of your business" - told her that I changed the rule so YSD can have her door shut with her boyfriend in it (which I gave up that battle - DH does not have a problem with it). Why can't he be consistent? One step forward, three steps back.

2Step's picture

I knew exactly what your SD would say when you picked up the phone. Then I read on and yes! I was right! Same thing happened to me... except I never said what you said and I love that you did that.

bi's picture

these little bitches think they own us and our (f)dh's. they think because we are with their fathers that we owe them something. good for you and great on dh!

Poodle's picture

Oh I've so been there at the start of that conversation! And I so look forward to copying the end! Congratulations, highly adequate person! What tone of voice did u use? I wd find it terribly hard to stop mine going sharp with aggression.

Towanda's picture

I used to get those phone calls too. I never said anything either. You are my hero. I always wanted to say,"YOUR Dad?" let me see.....there are some men here but I don't know if any of them are your Dad!" I always wondered why she couldn't just say "is Dad there? " Let alone say "hello " to me!

Poodle's picture

Or how about,

skid - "Is my dad there?"

SM - "yes" - followed by total silence.

skid - "can I talk to him?"

SM "I don't know, can you?"

skid - "er... "


realitycheckmom's picture

OMG I'm one of "those" SDs except I ask for my mom to my stepdad. Now there are reasons, he will barely answer the phone, he always calls her his wife and both of my half brothers call her their mom. I used to call her by her first name but the past few years I try to call her mom.

I used to call and act polite to my stepfather but he complained that I talked to him so I switched to just asking for my mom and he complained that I wasn't nice so my mom said just ask for her and no chit chat or niceties. She said he was being stupid and not to bother.