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And, I am back...with a Medusa CS update

WalkOnBy's picture

No, no, no, it's not to tell you all that she's cleared her arrearage Smile

It's the monthly update -


TOTAL $7070.74

If not for the $5500 they managed to somehow squeeze out of her a few months back, she would be almost $13,000 in arrears.

MOTY, that one.


WalkOnBy's picture

BA HA HA HA HA!!! That was just the laugh I needed after just getting an email letting me know that Sheba's urn will be shipped out today...

Thumper's picture


didn't you know THAT money was a GIFT.

(common answer for where did you get all that MONEY)

notsobad's picture

That's nothing!
My neices idiot baby daddy asked the judge for lost wages due to my neice taking him to court for CS.

The judge looked at him and said "So you think she should pay you for lost wages?"
Him, smirking at her and I because he thinks the judge agrees with him "Yes, I do"
Judge "And how much should she pay you?"
Him "$800, $400 a day"
Judge "Are you telling this court that you make $400 a day? Now son, think carefully about this"
Him "Well, yeah that's what she should pay me"
Judge " Son, I'm going to do you a favour set your CS payments at the $65K that MissN has stated you make annually, instead of the over $100K you just testified that you make. However, I am going to stipulate that you pay 100% of all extra ciricular activities. And No, MissN will not pay for your lost wages"


WalkOnBy's picture

Of COURSE I have a similar Medusa story -

At the hearing about her not paying her court fines, the Judge asked her if she had seen the kids since she lost custody. Of course, the answer was no. She WAS emailing them instructions on how to injure/kill my cat, though and of course, we presented all those emails to the Judge.

When she told him that she hadn't seen them because she didn't have "gas money" for the 45 minute drive, she said "I would see them if you order HIM to pay my gas money."

Judge - "madam, are you telling me that you want me to order Mr. DH to PAY you to see your children? Think carefully before you answer me."

She said yes, of course.