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1,000 check with DH and BM name UGH

buterfly_2011's picture

We got a check from chase Morgan for fraudulent foreclosure costs and it's made out to DH and BM. I would rather throw it away then give her Anything. It doesn't say DH AND BM but both their names are on it. Any suggestions ladies?


StepDoormat's picture

Yep... cash it. My guess is she will never even ask about it. Does she know it was coming her way?

buterfly_2011's picture

We can't cash it. Her name is on it. We have to have her signature. But no she doesn't know it's coming.

momof3vt's picture

Is the word AND on the check with their names or are their names just listed with no and? I work in a bank and unless the check says and it is treated as or and either one can cash without the other.

herewegoagain's picture

If it has both their names I think she will need to sign it...I'd rather throw it out too.

movingon's picture

Send both of them to the bank to cash it and split it in half.
I cannot believe you would even consider throwing it away or keeping it all for yourself.

That money belongs to BOTH of them. Have a conscience.

aggravated1's picture

Here we go with the fantasies..where did she say she would keep it for herself?

movingon's picture

She didn't say that... there are there are 3 options:
1. throw it away
2. split it
3. keep it all

I am saying she shouldn't even consider two of those three options.

No fantasies.
Well, not about ST. Wink

buterfly_2011's picture

I never said I'd keep anything. I don't see a single penny from DH. All his money goes to her except maybe 200 a month. And he uses that for gas to see his kids since they are six hours away. I don't ask for anything. I pay all the damn bills.

buterfly_2011's picture

That bitch is a lying take advantage of everyone and the system. Refuses to work. Expects everyone else to support her lying ass. I do not feel bad at all for throwing it away.

buterfly_2011's picture

No court order. She took the house lived in it for three months then let it go into foreclosure after she took out a second mortgage making the payments 1500 a month. Then expected DH to clean up her damn mess. She had to have the house threw a huge fit about it. Hell she repainted the entire thing because the color he had just painted it wasn't good enough. She ripped out the shower stall and the bathroom sink then left it like that.

buterfly_2011's picture

I don't want her money. It isn't just hers. It's DH. She has forged his name so many times. I'd rather throw it away. But we are going to call her. DH needs the 500 to pay for bills. He is going to ask her if she will meet him at the bank so they can sign together. If she won't then he will not cash it. We will let it expire. If she wants more than half we will not do it. We will let it expire. I never said we were keeping it. I asked for what would you do answers on here. And i got attacked and treated like I'm the greedy one. And i am far from that. I have the right to my opinion. And yes there is a side of me that would rather throw it away then give her anything. Maybe she should get a Damn job and start supporting her children! Then I just might have some respect for her.