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More contact from MIL

Jcksjj's picture

MIL sent a text to DH saying she hopes he has a good father's day and then a meme that said "if you look back on your childhood and smile, you had a good dad."

Not really sure what to make of the meme, but again, still no apology or acknowledgement of anything. I'm guessing she thinks DH will eventually crack without her having to own up to anything or change her behavior.


Stepdrama2020's picture

MIL best play in the game of toxic.

Gotta layer on the guilt to snap DH back into shape.

Jcksjj's picture

Yep. Poor, poor mil. It must be so painful to not have everyone in your orbit do exactly what is demanded of them.

CastleJJ's picture

You can't change a narcissist or those who are mentally ill. 

My best friend was disowned by her mother at the age of 21. Her Mom always wanted her to marry her high school sweetheart and live in her hometown forever, right down the road from Mom and Dad. Well my best friend met a nice guy who lived an hour away and wanted to be with him, so she moved to his town. Her Mom disowned her because it wasn't what Mom wanted. My best friend has been with this guy for 7 years, they are married, and they have 3 children together. Her mom still texts saying that she should move home and that her husband can get visitation of the children. Her mom literally thinks this is a logical request. When my best friend tells her how looney she sounds, the Mom dumps all the blame back on her for why their Mother Daughter relationship doesn't work, all because my best friend won't sacrifice her family and her marriage to make Mommy Dearest happy. 

It's better to go no contact with these people. They are manipulative and you are never going to rid yourself of them because they really do believe that you are the issue. Heaven forbid, they do anything wrong or play a part in the dysfunction. 

Jcksjj's picture

Yeah if something was going to change it would have already. The most that I could ever see is a brief period of better behavior and then back to the same shit.

strugglingSM's picture

My MIL sent DH about three texts trying to invite herself over for Father's Day...he didn't reply. She's taking SSs on a two-week vacation, so I'm sure she'll spend that time telling them all the things DH should be paying for or doing for them. She'll probably also tell them that DH has to remember he has three children and not just focus on our baby (he doesn't, but sometimes the baby's needs come before the two teenage stepchildren) and how because our daughter was born, they will get less of an inheritance. She has already told DH that he and I should "use birth control" and "be more careful" so as not to have more if our daughter was a mistake. Pleasant woman, she is...

Jcksjj's picture

She sounds awful. And like she has control issues like my MIL. They need to back the hell off and worry about their own lives.