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So the story continues.... I imagine this will happen for awhile as things shake out.

RisingtheWave80's picture

So we have not seen SD since the 19th, when we had to call the cops on her for her outburst and destruction of property. Normally she would be with us 3.5 days per week. I am okay with the fact that she is refusing, I made it known to DH that I won't be driving her, wasting hours a week of my life talking and listening to her for her only to keep fucking up, I won't be cooking meals to appease her limited likes outside of Hot Cheetos and Mini Muffins. While DH is a wonderful father, the relationship with his daughter has been impacted by having a teenage daughter that now doesn't want to hang out with dad, so when she is at our house she spent a lot of time talking to me and dealing with me rather than her father. Most teenage girls tend to drift to the female in the house, I was the same way in my Dad and Stepmom's house as a teenager.

So the last week BM has continued her rants. We sent her our vacation days for the summer, she is the primary parent she can deal with SD when we are not . Along with a statement that something needs to give, that every week SD or BM ruin our week by making constant changes to the schedule (there is no CO in order with who has what days, BM screwed DH and we cannot even think of fixing it right now, she is a teenager and doesnt want to be at our house) that every Sunday involves endless text messages, calls and sometimes DH going to pick up SD and sitting in the car for an hour because she refuses to come outside or locks herself in the bathroom. She has been trying to sabotage her mothers job for years (BM travels 3 days per week, every week) and I think the recent stunt is this, refuse to go to dads and mom will lose her job) That while SD is welcome in our home we will not force her or make her spend time with us, no one wins in this situation and for the sake of their relationship SD should only come if she wants to be in our home.

So after we send the email that states we cannot force an almost 14 year to come to our home, we are not going to be challened by them every week on Sunday and ruin DH's only day off from work and then that ruins our whole day.

Well BM was not happy with this, she can see the writing on the wall and that is we are not bending to her needs ( Custodial parent who is absentee, leaves daughter alone sometimes overnight, and has no idea that SD is smoking, vaping, and getting high because she doesn't pay attention, and even if she did she would make excuses for it) she starts with a response to DH:

  • You need to spend time with your daughter alone (I have always encouraged this neither of them REALLY want to)
  • You need to pick her up and bring her to the park without (Me) and talk to her
  • You need to allow her to have friends over (I tell her 4+ times a month that she is allowed to have friend over, I think she doesn't want us to meet them, they are NOT GOOD)
  • That SD was talking about our pool being open and we should have her and a friend come over to swim (yes I LOVE being used for our pool and if it takes a pool for her to come over, FUCK HER)
  • That SD was looking forward to going to the Cape to stay at the house with my sister and her husband this summer and maybe she could bring a friend (Nope this is my sisters vacation house, not ours, not inviting a delequent friend and also AGAIN she is not welcome to be with us to USE us or when we are doing something exciting)
  • That us being honest about her behavior, her schooling, and her actions and holding her accountable like ANY good parent would do was scaring her and she doesn't feel safe or happy at our house. (Just as an FYI, she has failed all of her classes this year, she missed 29 school days (all when she was with BM), she was kicked out of her school with 3 weeks left, she is being sent to a theraputic school that starts this summer, she is going drugs, she is telling off anyone she can from school principals to police officers...) So we punish or take away privileges , mom brings her shopping and spends endless money on her.

We have decided that BM can go fuck herself. That we have extended to SD that she is welcome in our home but she has to follow the rules (that was also an issue from BM) and that there will be consequences for her actions. OF course she doesnt want to be at our house. But she thinks she is going to come over and just be like NOTHING was wrong or we are going to kiss her ass, nope sorrry honey not happening. I liked what I read somewhere or in one of my post where someone said that "in their house they do not negotiate with terrorist "  BM and SD are both fucking out of their mind and no rational human thinks like them. DH will not risk losing me, I told him that I understand she is your daughter, I will be civil with her but for my own mental well being I need to back off because I will so easily get pulled back into her shit and I cannot do that. He understands, I am sure it makes it hard for him feeling pulled and I am doing my best not to make it that way. But honestly if she never came back into my home, I would be okay with that. She causes nothing but headaches and heartaches.


RisingtheWave80's picture

Also forgot BM wanted DH to promise he would never call the cops of SD again. Not happening if she is out of control we are suppose to allow it, in my day I would have gotten an ass whopping. DH called her out saying "Get off your high horse we know all the bullshit SD pulls on you in your house"

tog redux's picture

Yes, ignore the whore (BM).  She can't make DH do anything (and obviously, she can't make SD do anything either).

This is the price BM pays for being a permissive "friend" parent, who thought she could badmouth DH to make herself look good. Now the kid won't go to her father's and she's stuck with her.  BM wanted no CO, as well, so karma is a bitch, BM.

DH should just keep reaching out to SD on her own phone and letting her know that she's welcome to come over, but she'll need to tell him she wants to, he won't be showing up and waiting for her.

UGH.  I feel your pain, we've been there.  My SS stopped coming over at 15 and stopped talking to DH entirely for over 3 years. Honestly - it was quiet, because BM went away too for that time.  But it was really hard for DH to feel like he lost his son.

(For the record, he's 19 now and he's back - but he's still a Mama's Boy).

RisingtheWave80's picture

She is this was because there are NO consequences for her behavior at her mothers house, BM asked DH to promise he would never call the cops of SD again. HELL NO we are not making that promise, if she wants to destroy our property she will be treated as a criminal (even if she demanded her mother pick her up and after she told the cops she would clean up the mess she made she flipped us off and left with BM)

Harry's picture

Your DH can see SD away from your home for a few hours on the weekend,  you have to let thing play out for the summer. I would not take S.D. to your sister home.  You need a week by yourselves to unwind.  Do not allow S.D. in your home this summer.  No SD pool party’s at you home.  

Once fall arrives and new school year starts then try some weekends with S.D.  I would not stand for anybody destroying my things.  There has to beacons type of punishment for that. She has to do work around the home to paid for the broken thing.  

RisingtheWave80's picture

I agree with all of this! The issue is that she is just so disobedient and when she doesnt like how our house is run she calls mom and forces her to pick her up, there are no consequences because we cannot enforce anything! She will get in her fathers face and scream at him, tell him to F-off and that he has never done anything for her*ok*.

RisingtheWave80's picture

Also I wish that either one of them wanted to spend time with the other. Both SD and DH no longer know how to relate and have been using me at the middle man for the last couple years. She doesn't want to spend time with her dad and this started way before I was around, she told me at one point I made it easier for her to be in our home. I am not at all discouraging him from spending time with his kid.

tog redux's picture

Then it's a great idea for you to just stay out of it and let DH deal with his relationship with his daughter. 

shamds's picture

boohoo sd doesn’t like being told the truth and facts at how she is failing school and life or that she’s a major arsehole.. boohoo it scares her! Welcome to the real world hun. Its way worser than you could imagine

RisingtheWave80's picture

I am anxiously awaiting the day that reality hits her smack in the face. It will happen. She doesn't understand there are decisions she is making currently that will have long term effects. But BM isn't very honest with her about these, they live in their made up world.

Also SD called and left a message for DH asking if the pool was ready "No honey it isn't but your dad and I spent 8 hours on Sunday getting the pool area cleaned up, why dont you help us" but that will never happen. It's all about what she can get from people and I am not going to be used.

SteppedOut's picture

On this site I see so many people talking about parents that have jobs that have them frequently traveling (and the kids/relationships are problematic, of course!). 

Honestly, WTF. I have been offered several (high paying) positions that I just could not accept because of the travel required...BECAUSE I HAVE A CHILD.

Now, my situation maybe a bit different in that I am the ONLY parent ever caring for my child, but OP's BM is the primary parent. How in the hell do so many parents think this is ok?

RisingtheWave80's picture

BM has always had jobs traveling the difference was when they were married he was just home with the kids. But she has changed jobs in the last few years and continues to select positions that require 2-3 days per week of out of state travel. SD HATES THIS. I get it she is a teenager and wants to be in her moms house more than ours (for a whole lot of reasons)

DH calls her out all the time saying "nice luxury you have to be so selfish and travel for work while our daughters life is in melt-down phase" he calls her out for being selfish. SD has called out her mother for turning down 2nd interviews for jobs that would keep her home saying to her mother "You don't get jobs by skipping interviews." and BM's response to her was "You wouldn't like me having to work evenings"

I do not see her changing and I at one time said to SD " I am sorry your mom feels that her work is more important than anything else" because we both know that to be the case.

And if DH says he cannot take SD one the days she is traveling, BM throws some guilt his way saying "Well what does it matter if I have to work out of state, your her father you should be taking her then" but he has ZERO rights by the CO that she wanted to leave generaic.

RisingtheWave80's picture

With that being said...SD's refusal to come to our home may make BM have to change her work situation

Harry's picture

What she did to your home !  As long as that is first, I am sure you will see little of SD.  If you let that slide, then that a blank slate for her to do anything she wants with no punishment.   Face facts, SD is a lost. Unless she is getting thing she can not be bothered.

you have to disengage from all of it. Let DH and SD work it out between them selfs.  But still I would not let her into my home with out some type of punishment 

RisingtheWave80's picture

I agree with this 100% and I think DH is on board too. She had to earn anything she gets in our home, she needs to apoligize for her actions, and she will continue to be held accountable for her actions. I imagine that will be enough for her not to be around but I refuse to appease her by saying "Come on over and come swimming, we know you don't appriciate anything we do but here, we spent multiple weeks ensuring the pool was ready and open for this summer" 

We have a beautiful home on a lake with a pool, and tons of garden space and areas for her and her friends to hang out. But she wants nothing to do with it. I cook all the meals in our home, her mother doesn't cook and most days brings her to Taco Bell or gives her pizza money, we have a loving, supportative home and she requires a LOT of our attention. We give it. But she would rather live with BM in a shitty apartment in a bad neighborhood, running around with trashy friends and getting high.