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So may reg flags! Why didnt I listen to my gut?? Now its gone too far and I don't know how it going to be repaired

beastofburden's picture

Ive been with my SO for nearly 2 years. He's 9 years older than me, been divorced for nearly 12 years and has an adult daughter who is 27.

There have been so many red flags along the way...... why oh why didnt i listen to my gut and run a long time ago???


  • he didnt 'tell' his daughter about us until about 9months after we were dating, because "she always has issues with his past girlfriends" 
  • when I agreed to date him I stated my only boundaries were ID NEVER BE WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS KIDS AT HOME. He agreed and assured me his daughter was independent. yet not even 3 months later he informs me that his daughter will be moving in with him while she 'saves money' to go on an overseas holiday.
  • his house is filled with photos of him and his little princess. Its like a shrine. red flags!!!!
  • His idea of her being 'independent' was actually moving her out of his home at the age of 21 into ANOTHER one of his houses that he owns. It turns out that 'house' was actually the marital home that his ex wife got in the settlement, which he later BOUGHT BACK OFF HER. then he put his little princess back in that home.
  • Daughter cries to her mummy that dad is kissing another woman in his own house!! He doesnt tell daughter or ex to mind their own business. 
  • Daughter is downright rude and exluding of me as soon as she moves in the house.
  • Ignores me. Makes me feel uncomfortable in 'her' house. sulks to her mother that she was 'blindsided' into moving in with him and she 'didnt know he was seeing someone, which was a total lie.
  • She finally goes overseas for 3 months. He messengers her EVERY DAY. Most days many, many times a day. Its pathetic. 
  • He hides the messaging from me and never talks about what shes doing. He still NEVER EVER talks or messages her when im around. Its kept a secret.
  • He continually makes excuses for her. Give it time! Have patience! I have heard this a million times.
  • When she comes back she is her usual self entitled, spoilt bratty self. He doesnt put me first in the home. He doesnt set ANY boundaries in the home with his daughter. She is rude and excludes me as soon as she returns. I leave and we split up for 2 weeks. He grovels and tells her she needs to find somewhere else to live. she blames me. 
  • She moves out but its not long before he is running around after her and now she calls the shots that 'she will not see him if Im there', so now he travels down to see her whenever she wants and Im just a shag on a rock.
  • nothing has changed. she just now hates me and is still getting what she wants. I feel like he is just sneaking around seeing her behind my back or when she says so.
  • we had a big fight as one time she said she wanted to come to his house to 'use the bathroom and get changed between fuctions' she was going to one day. she asked him if Id be there and he said "no she wont be here". Im always there on weekends. EVERY weekend Im always there. He then told me that he told her I wouldnt be there. thats how he's deling with this. just spineless. I was fucking furious and we have not been the same since. He is just continually throwing me under the bus and then expecting me to forgive him for his 'mistakes'... " what am I supposed to do???" he keeps asking me??? 

we are not going well at this stage. I am losing my love for this man. I dont feel the affection we once had. Im losing my mind and Im getting depressed. I dont know how to go forward??? Do I give him another chance to prove he will do the right thing for me?? He keeps saying he will focus solely on us and our reltionship from now onwards and hes made mistakes inthe past...


how do I trust him? Im so tired. I will also add that I DONT HAVE KIDS OF MY OWN which makes this an even worse kind of hell...

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Your boyfriend can't keep girlfriends because his mini wife doesn't want him to.

We regularly see stories like yours on this site. Men like your bf aren't emotionally available, but that doesn't stop them from seeking out women for sex and adult companionship. His idea of a perfect partner is a hot chick who cooks, cleans, is fun between the sheets, and never interferes with his primary relationship - the one with his daughter.

This is the honeymoon period, as good as it gets. So you can stay in dysfunction, rail against a dynamic that has existed for decades, or move on to something healthier.

beastofburden's picture

He gets so offended if I suggest that he's not really commited to me and Im just there for sex and companionship!! Like totally shocked and offended! But youre right... he is only happy when we are going great... sex is great... cooking is great... and then he takes off to see his daughter on his own because 'she wont see him if Im around'. I just dont know how Im going to live with this for the rest of my life....

notsobad's picture

He’s offended because it’s the truth and he can’t face it.

You don’t have to live with it for the rest of your life! You are two years into a bad relationship, back your bags and leaves. Don’t look back except to realize how close you came to ruining your life. 

Siemprematahari's picture

I don't see how you would want to live this way for the rest of your life. Its like you're competing with a mistress and him going against his word time & time again has caused you to fall out of love with him. He's not making an effort to change so if you decide to stay be prepared for a lifetime of this dysfunction. Love you 1st, place you 1st and reconsider this relationship.

Rags's picture

You’re not going to live like this for the rest of your life.  This guy has no balls and no recognition that he is the problem.

How long and you going to tolerate this crap?

mro's picture

Especially if you have not 1) had a kid with him 2) moved in with him or 3) married him.  Pat yourself on the back!  Some of us did just those things and it makes it 1000% more complicated to leave!  


Now dump the guy and chalk it up to a learning experience.  

beastofburden's picture

Ive done none of those things yet... but we are at that stage in our relationship where we either move forward... or dissolve it... its been very hard these last few months... we are arguing about his daughter a lot and she is consuming my mind...

TwoOfUs's picture

You're not too far in at all. I've been married to my DH for 8 years now...we were dating for 2 years before that. I have a decade in this kids of my own. Still thinking about leaving. 

beastofburden's picture

Its so hard. I feel for you, I really do. Can I ask how old you are? Im 47 and he conveniently keeps telling me that "I'll never meet a man without kids at this age".... AHHHHH well I DONT HAVE KIDS!!!

TwoOfUs's picture

I am 38. 

I met my DH when I was 26 and he was 36. We worked together and had some pretty cool projects together. He had just gotten divorced when I met him and was a there was zero interest there. 

We started dating when I was 28 and got married when I was 30. 

So all in all I’ve known him 12 years and been romantically attached for 10. I’ve often thought about what I would do if I could go back in time and NOT meet him. I think I’d do much as I love him. There aren’t really words to describe the torture of caring and providing for three kids who aren’t yours while not being able to have kids of your own. 

marblefawn's picture

You can be a rare success story on this site...if you leave him now!

My story is very similar to yours. I am now 10 years married and the only reason I managed to stay married under these circumstances was because I totally disengaged from SD and my husband respects that boundary I set.

But our lives are split in two: his life with me and his life with SD 31. It has spilled over to his family because we can never see any of them without SD being there. Ergo, I have no contact with his family other than the occasional email because SD can't get in on that.

After all this time, I am finally settled when he sees her -- not fidgeting all day wondering what to do with myself. But it took more than a year to get comfortable that this is how it will be.

SD repeatedly called him to talk about her mother during our honeymoon. SD has screamed awful things at me while my husband said nothing. SD isn't even that great to him and he just takes it.

Trust me, it's hard to love a man who would throw you under a bus for someone who despises you. It's possible, but not easy. It's also hard that he won't even admit she's shitty to me -- nothing she does wrong is ever acknowledged.

I wish I could be in your shoes again so I could choose differently. But don't take my word for it. Spend a little time in the Adult Stepkids forum and learn what you're in for. I won't say it never gets better or it can't change, but why take that chance??? Why climb that uphill battle??? Why choose to always come second???

There's a man out there who won't be split, won't make you feel resentful, won't make you wish you hadn't ignored the flags. Do yourself a favor and go find him! (HINT: he probably won't have kids)

beastofburden's picture

yes Ive read a lot of your posts (ive been stalking this site for a while!) and I feel for you!! Thats exactly how things are right now... life split in two... she calls the shots... a few weeks ago his neice got engaged and they had a party at a park... the invites were sent on Facebook to my partner and he could see that his ex wife had been invited too. I never recieved an invite, even though it would have been easy to find me as IM HIS PARTNER!! anyway he tried to convince me to go with him and i said no... he got stroppy about that... "what will people say if youre never at family functions? what will people think?" I said tell them Im not there because your daughter wont be in the same room as me! and I have no desire to meet or have anything to do with his ex!! Then he tells me his ex will probably be rude to me anyway!! I said Im definately not going!! why would you want me to go if you know she will be hostile to me?? why would I put myself through the stress of it?? 

Anyway he didnt end up going either, but now his brother has unfriended me on FB and his family are saying i stopped him from going! I cant fucking win.

Yes my love for him is waning... its really sad because we had a really good thing going on... I just cant seem to get any mental peace anymore... Its consuming my mind all the time... Ive been reading this site a lot and now I just dont know if Im over reacting or whether Im not trying hard enough to be accepting of the situation... I dont know anymore.. yes Id love to meet someone without kids... is it too late?? after reading everyones posts,,, I feel soooooooo sad and angry for everyone on here.... and I am starting to ask myself why would I choose this situation?? but its hard to break up with someone because of another woman..


Siemprematahari's picture

Your SO's family "unfriending" you are doing you a favor. Do not put energy into someone who can care less about you. Who cares what they think anyway?!? You have self worth therefore you care about how you are treated and you need to always hold that stance. If you don't, who will? His daughter is a disrespectful sh!t and I wouldn't want to be around someone like that either. My question is I know its hard and we can all tell you to leave (easier said than done) but how long are you willing to stay as the other woman?

twoviewpoints's picture

If the daughter has her way, you're just one more name on the long list of ex girlfriends. And the red flags? Those aren't flags at all, nope.Those are battle tanks ready for the long haul this adult woman will wage.

What made you think it was a good idea to move into anything previously owned by this man or this man and his ex-wife? It was mistake number one, on your part. What does it matter that he bought the old family home for his daughter? That's his pre-you life. Nothing he owned or owned pre-you should be considered now yours. IMO, no woman (or man) should move into a pre-established house. You want to erase the ties and go on anew? You start off new. When it's time to want to move in together, it's time to start looking for a new 'our home' , not somebody else's left overs. 

You want it to be all about you and be your home? You start out with t actually being all about you and him and it truly is 'our home' No one gets in the front door without mutual agreement. Because the man and woman both have equal stakes in the home. Where did you live before moving in with this guy?  If you haven't sold it yet, move back to it, alone. 

When and if he becomes serious about a relationship and new life with you, if you're still waiting, he'll know where you are. If you've moved on and pass him, oh well, you're on your way to a life that better suited you. 

Adult daughters who can travel off over seas for three months and live in a house Daddy bought for then, do not need to move into Daddy's current house to "save money" for their holiday trip. Why would she need to move from one free home into another? If you 'bought' that line, the adult daughter likely has a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you next. 

She's a spoiled little girl who Daddy intends to never make grow up and be self sufficient. But she is nothing but the exact same person her parents always wanted her to be and intended for her to. She'll live on Daddy's coat tail under a man Daddy deems suitable and financially worthy of his 'baby girl' emerges to take her off Daddy's arm. 

It isn't going to get better. You number what in girlfriends? He didn't put any of them before his daughter and no offense to you, but you aren't the one he intends to change things for now. 

beastofburden's picture

I havent moved in with him. I have my own apartment that I have no intention of ever selling. I stay at his place most nights and occasionally we stay at my place because I am in a great area with lots of restuarants/bars/activies nearby. 

I totally agree about the 'fresh start' with living arrangements. we had been talking about moving in, but I ve always said I wont live with someone unless we are totally commited ie; married. There is no reason for me to share with someone otherwise... like i said, I have my own properties and I make my own money. 


Yes the whole idea of her moving in to 'save money' has been a huge bone of contention. I just cant seem to get over it and I cant forgive him for treating me like Im stupid. I know how rediculous it sounds... he is totally unaware of his own words... its pathetic.

Yes thats why Im here. Im worried that nothing will ever change, even though he keeps promising me the world and keeps saying he is totally commited to working on us... Im just at a point that I dont know whether to give him another chance... or walk...


SacrificialLamb's picture

You told him that when you agreed to date him you would never agree to date someone with kids at home. That was your boundary. He has lied and told you stories to get you to stay.  That alone is enough to leave. 

I can't add anything else that hasn't already been stated. Your boyfriend already has a wife, and it's his daughter. He has shown himself to be a spineless, ball-less coward who is his daughter's puppet. My DH was like this for awhile. Even when things get better, there are still problems that can really derail the marriage.   It takes a huge emotional toll on you.

My SD's are in their 40's and several SM's here have SD's in their 50's, so this won't get better. If the SD was raised believing she was a princess, she will not want to be dethroned regardless of how old she is. 

You mentioned you not having kids and that makes the situation feel worse. There are many of us here who DO have our own children, and the situation is still unacceptable. We wonder why our children don't act like his, and the answer is because we raised our children to be adults, while our SO's raised their entitled snowflakes to have too much power over their lives.

I would run for the hills, and not listen to a word when he tries to get his bedwarmer back. I also think he will move on to the next woman very quickly since he can't keep one for very long. He's already married to his daughter.

beastofburden's picture

yes his lies are staring me in the face now. I cant stop thinking about how he completely didnt even think that having his daughter move in with him was actually 'moving in' with him. he honestly didnt even give it any thought. he admits that now and he cant answer why he did it. In fact hes been unable to tell me why hes thrown me under the bus many times... we fight, ut he just continues to do whatever he feels he needs to. it scares me to read these stories of adult daughters who just dont stop. Yes she has been raised a princess, he has even said it himself. it makes me barf,,, but he just manages to change the subject and avoid any kind of adult confrontation. 

I agree he will move onto the next one quickly if we split. It hurts me to think of it though at the moment Sad

queensway's picture

I am sorry to say that he will never solely commit to just you and your relationship. It will never happen with a SD like this. She has the control not him. In other words "you are screwed" get out and never look back.

beastofburden's picture

this is my biggest worry. Im worried my life will always be determined by her!! I cant see any other answers... its so hard 

Dovina's picture

its their dynamic and daddeee and daughter love the way it works for them. You are the scapegoat between them. It really sucks the life out of you. If you stay you will end up spending thousands on therapy, yet the ironic part the two that need therapy in this "love" triangle will never go. Their sickness is their norm.  

sandye21's picture

You are dating a 'married man' - emotionally married to his daughter.  This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you do not have kids.  If you did you would still think the relationship between SO and his daughter is not a healthy one because it isn't.  It's called 'Emotional Incest'.  You clearly pointed out your boundaries.  Two years is plenty of time for DH to adjust his priorities and it looks as if there has been no change.  He's still demonstrating that he is not trust worthy.

The good news is that you are not married to this man, or living with him.  You can dump his sorry a$$, wake up in your apartment tomorrow morning, and start a new chapter in your life.  You can even look at this in a positive way - you've had a learning experience - one which you will not repeat.  A year from now you will be thanking your lucky stars.

Major Blunder's picture

As one of the male StepMonsters here I find it important to weigh in on this, I have two adult ( I try not to laugh out loud when I say that) SDs and they basically treat me like crap and I also raised them since ages 10 and 6 so I caqn tell you for sure it will not get better. 

You are in a very good position not having moved in or otherwise joined this man's family, move on, there are other men out there with out children at home or without children at all, next time go with your gut.

As for the several comments about us men keeping you women around for cleaning, cooking and sex...............  you may be right in many situations however there are also plenty of men out there who don't need you for those things except for the sex, come on even you all have to admit it's better with a partner  Air kiss

Dovina's picture

its all been said by some hardened veterens on here. It gets worse. How you feel now will intensify if you stay with him. Chances are an enmeshed duo like your BF and precious angel who calls the shots, will get worse if you become more serious. You will give him chance after chance, because one time he gives you lip service that he is straightening things out. Dont believe it. I say that because you indicate he keeps contact and messaging with her from you. Thats a cheaters MO. You are just the other woman he has sex with, thats the only thing he cant do with her. Oh that and be his maid, precious poopsie doesnt do that either.

Maybe I have become cynical, but honestly save yourself from this sick twisted dynamic. There should be a law, like on cigarette packages. Divorced daddys with daughtersare bad for your health.

soccermom830's picture

hi - i am 48 and have been in a relationship with a man for two years now too and just recently broke up with him for the same exact reasons.  it Is very hard to move on - believe me i know.  you keep thinking something will change - in my situation, it's only gotten worse and i get pissed and then blamed for being the bad one when i can't stand her.  she is 22.  keeps moving in and out of daddy's house cause she can't keep a boyfriend.  geez, wonder why?  i know what you are going through.  he keeps trying to get me back - but i think it's gone too far this time.  i'm trying to keep my distance - i feel as if he will replace me quickly too.  i am trying to find someone too honestly to keep me busy or occupied so i can move on and over him!!  it's a horrible feeling and it's really very emotionally tolling and abusive in my opinion. 

hugs - if you need to private message me, please do.

beastofburden's picture

thank you for the reply, I totally understand how you feel and I know how hard it is to accept we have to start again at this age after giving them ourselves for so long. I wish I had thught this through... I know I will not have a problem dating again... its just finding someone that Im attracted to, who I get along with, who I connect with and WHO DOESNT HAVE KIDS which is going to be the big bproblem now..

Merry's picture

They've had years together to develop their sick dynamic. You're fairly new on the scene, and it will take enormous strength and courage for your SO to change the script with his daughter.

But if you do want to give it another try with him, you must set your boundaries. What do YOU need to be happy? No lies about your presence, or existence, and honesty about your relationship would be a really good start. Make it about you and what you need, not about his little angel or even him.

You know, my DH and his daughter sometimes talk and text multiple times a day. I PREFER that they do it when I'm not around. Although it does irritate me that if one of his kids calls he not only leaves the room but goes outside into the driveway or yard to talk to them. It's weird. But I don't ask about it--I just go on doing what I was doing. If we were watching a movie, I don't pause it to wait for him. If we were doing some task, I'm on to the next task, and you can bet that one won't involve him. That is one of the beauties of disengaging. And I have a decent relationship with his kids--probably because I did disengage from all the drama.


ESMOD's picture

Sounds like you aren't living there right?  Honestly.. this probably isn't the relationship for you because he is already involved with his daughter.. a bit yucky and maybe a chaste relationship.. but she has way too much power in that home.  I don't think it's worth your time to try to change two adults set in their ways.

1StepForward2's picture

You told him it would be a deal breaker for his kid to live with you but you allowed it anyway. Big mistake. That would have been a hill to die on for me.

I don’t have bios either but had two of DH’s sons living with us indefinitely without my consent. I wish I gave him boundaries before we married - no adults coming no back to live with us. Would have saved a lot of angst.

I would talk to a counselor if you are struggling with staying or leaving. Not sure it will get better unless he gets counseling himself and you stick to your boundaries.

beastofburden's picture

yes... and it has come down to timing with a lot of things and the reason I didnt force the issue. She moved in with him in the early stages of our relationship and I'll admit I just didnt feel like I had the right to kick up a fuss at the time. I did make it known I was not happy about it though. As it turns out, he was well aware of her 'inability' to accept who he is with so I really feel now that he was just trying to force 'happy families' on the both of us.. his daughter and myself. I am upset because if she hadnt moved in when she did, I feel like it wouldnt have led to this situation... although Im now beginning to doubt that as well... she just will NEVER accept ANYONE in his life. She will never be happy for him,,and the dynamic Im seeing is he still feels like its his responsibilty to make her happy... 

Regarding the councellor, he has actually started seeing one a few weeks ago... after this mess with the engagement party that I wasnt invited to started. The councellor has offered no concrete advice however... how could she?? no one knows how to fix this shit... She has told hm that she feels his daughter still sees herself as 15... the age she was when he divorced... I dont know if I buy that rubbish either...

1StepForward2's picture

"Regarding the councellor, he has actually started seeing one a few weeks ago... after this mess with the engagement party that I wasnt invited to started. The councellor has offered no concrete advice however... how could she?? no one knows how to fix this shit... She has told hm that she feels his daughter still sees herself as 15... the age she was when he divorced... I dont know if I buy that rubbish either..."

A good councellor would have advice unless he's not telling the truth.  Maybe going together would help if you really want to try having a life with this guy.  It won't be easy.  He has a lot of changing to do if he wants any kind of meaningful relationship with another woman.  

I do agree that her growth could have been stunted at age 15 - that was probably traumatic for her.  She needs help as well.  When needy SS27 was 12 his parents divorced and I'm sure there was a lot of dysfunction before that and he fell through the cracks - did not get the care he really needed at that time.

disrestep's picture

Beastofburden, Don't give up just yet. Your relationship could end up stronger if your BF is truly serious about his relationship with you. it really sounds like he wants to include you in family functions and is trying to make you happy and your relationship work. But, at the same time he is trying to make his DD mini-wife happy too. What he should not do is to try and appease the mini wife at the expense of your relationship.

When I first met my now DH, his adult DD also acted like a mini-wife and would not accept daddy dating anyone. She called him multiple times every day and he usually called her right back. She was in her late 20's.  She did his laundry, bills, planned his weekends, etc., even though she lived far enough away she was at his place every weekend, holidays and days off. To top that, adult SS's who lived elsewhere, manipulated the rest of my then boyfriend's time. It was a turnoff to see this grown man being manipulated by these selfish adult spawn. They could not stand to see daddy with anyone. They lost their mother a few years before that and they refuse to this day, to allow anyone to be married to DH. It is actually warped in that these adult skids cannot move on, even years later, and be happy that their father and I are so happy together.

Their hatred of me and daddy's relationship with me continued. His adult spawn excluded me from everything they could and made plans all the time for my BF to do things with only them during his free time. They came and went at his home and took things whenever they wanted. They were always disrespectful to me. They tried to split us up many times. The list goes on and on. 

like you, I felt it was not my place to expect him to stop being a puppet to these adult spawn. I never expected this when we first met and I thought if I was nice to them, even when they were rude to me and my DH, they would come around and play nice. My DH would tell me things to just be patient and they will get use to it. 

Long story short, it got to the point of interfering in our relationship. We could never make plans or had any privacy. So, we started making plans to go away, day trips, things like that. After a couple of years, I also grew a backbone and stood up for myself and told the adult SD off, made it clear to my then BF I didn't sign up for this B.S. and told him I would never move in with him where he lives, as I have a place of my own I worked hard for and intend to keep.

My now DH and I are happy. We are at the point, at least for now, where the adult skids hate and disrespect is not tolerated by either of us. They are not welcome where we live, as we are not welcome around them as a couple. They use the gskids as pawn on DH. They will always blame me for their strained relationship with DH, and they have poisoned many relatives to believe the same.

In a good relationship, each partner respects the other and expects only respect for the other from other people, no matter who they are. And, yes, people actually change usually to some degree when they are in a serious relationship: they might take up new hobbies, try different foods, see new places, move where they live, meet new friends, and yes, try and make their significant other happy.

Don't lose hope. It may work out in the end.


beastofburden's picture

thank you so much for your reply, but I have to say, your story doesnt fill me with any hope and I have no idea why you put up with that shit year in year out?? Yes I love my partner, but Im not stupid. I know this will never improve and what you have just explained doesnt sound like lollipops and rainbows. 

I understand a relationship is hard work, but when the odds are so severley stacked against you from the onset, isnt it just common sense to move on?? 

I honestly dont know how most of you women on here cope... I really dont. I dont have much patience at the best of times,,, I really have zero tolerance for bullshit from people who would like to make my life a living nightmare. 

sandye21's picture

I admire your honest approach to this situation and you are definnitely NOT stupid.  Just wish I had your courage early on in my marriage - although when I finally DID find the courage and call B.S. on DH and SD,  DH started working hard to salvage our relationship.  The difference between my DH and your SO is that my DH seemed to take me serious, made our marriage a priority and stopped with the gaslighting and making excuses.  If you have already laid down your boundaries with your SO he should have made some sort of effort to work on the problem by now.

Do you think a trial separation would work?  Give yourself - and SO a bit of time to think thigs over.  I wouldn't go back until there was a significant change.

beastofburden's picture

I dont know if I actually understand what a trial seperation means? I dont know how that could actually fix anything? We dont live together, but I had a lot of clothes and makeup and personal belongings at this house as I spent virtually evey night at his place and the other nights he would stay at my place. Very occassionally we would spend the night alone or apart. 

If we have a seperation, where I take all my stuff back home (which I actually did yesterday) and we dont see each other, how do I know if anything has changed because Im not even there to know when hes running around catching up with his daughter or she is going to his house because she can because Im not there!!! It actually makes it easier for them to continue to exclude me. 

Im also torn with this idea because I dont actually want anything to with her now either! But this whole disengaging thing doesnt seem like it actually solves anything and I dont think I have the constitution to remove her from my thoughts... Im giving her way too much of my emotions and thoughts which is making me more angry!! 

sandye21's picture

What I meant by 'trial separation' was to give yourself a break and breather from DH and SD all together.  It will give you time to think alone, without any influence by SO or SD, and you might just like it so much you won't want to go back.  Have you ever had a friend who proved to be a pain the the butt, and you put the friendship on hold until you had time to think things through?  Sometimes you discover you can work it out after all.  Other times you find you are better off without their 'friendship'.  If you do not give yourself the option of stepping back to view the situation from the outside, you could be innocently swept up in the drama again.

Just take a little 'vacation' away from it all, allow yourself to heal, and you will be able to gain clarity.

all_or_nothing_kind_of_gal's picture

'I honestly don't know how most of you women on here cope...I really don't.'  I'm glad I'm not the only thinking that.  

'I really have zero tolerance for bullshit from people who would like to make my life a living nightmare.'  Me too.  I just completely remove myself from the situation - run for the hills is my motto - or if I can't get myself physically away from the mess and the mindgames,  I switch off and live and let live or I give as good as I get.  But I'm talking about situations involving people I have no feelings for - people at work or in my neighbourhood including in my apartment building.  

When it's personal,  that hurts.  

The women on here are offering what is fantastic advice and insight based on their own experiences. 

But I'm still wondering why the majority stay and fight year after year.

I've read on articles about these issues in the comments below section women saying if you walk away,  you let the SD and the BM win,  by depriving you of your relationship with the man.

Are these guys really worth all this?  

The big question that always goes around in my head is 'If the places were reversed,  would he stay around for me?'  In very few cases in my opinion will men endure the hell that a woman will for a relationship.  Women really suffer for love.

I'm not made that way.  

I know divorce is expensive and stressful,  especially if you have your own kids with these guys but there's really no price on your freedom,  peace and control over your own physical space and mind space.


sandye21's picture

"The big question that always goes around in my head is 'If the places were reversed, would he stay around for me?'  In very few cases in my opinion will men endure the hell that a woman will for a relationship.  Women really suffer for love."

When we are asking the question, 'If the places were reversed,  would he stay around for me?' and when we finally are honest, it is a turning point in the relationship.  But sometimes it takes a long time to get there.  This is due to all sorts of misguided information we are given by society, our friends, our relatives and even ourselves.  The honesty hurts too much.

"If you walk away,  you let the SD and the BM win,  by depriving you of your relationship with the man."  Yeah, what's THAT all about?  If you walk away from a man who doesn't practice mutual respect, allows abuse from SD and lets BM interfere in your marriage - YOU win.

One of my favorite sayings used to be "A little masochism never hurt anybody."  I used to even laugh when I said it until I spouted it off to someone who looked at me with concern in their eyes and said, "Oh, but it does!"

disrestep's picture

Trust me, I didn't put up with adult skids BS for too long. It was unexpected, and I hoped their attitudes would improve. When I realized they were just not nice people, I was done with them. My DH is done with them as well. My family didn't treat DH this way. 

What I realized was that I cannot change other people's behavior toward me, I can only change how I deal with it. If DH wanted to continue to live with adult spawn controlling all his free time at the expense of our relationship, I was done. I made it clear I was never going to put myself in a situation where I was going to be disrespected by his adult spawn. 

What I am trying to say is that if my DH made a conscious effort to put our relationship first and cut the puppet strings his adult spawn were controlling him with, perhaps your SO may do the same. 

It wasn't lollipops and rainbows early in our relationship. I wanted to be done with it more than once. Because we love each other, we worked it out. Maybe it helped that my DH was raised in a family where the wife is not disrespected by anyone, so he does not take kindly to me being disrespected.

It sounds like your SO needs to grow some and explain to DD how he feels about you and your relationship and he will accept nothing less than you and his relationship to be treated with respect. Who cares if she doesn't like it. You can always totally disengage from her.

Good luck with everything.

StepUltimate's picture

Bears repeating, you wrote it so well:

"What I realized was that I cannot change other people's behavior toward me, I can only change how I deal with it."

sammigirl's picture

Wow!  First let me say, I feel badly that you are going through this emotional turmoil.  Not knowing your entire situation, I am not going to give you advice.  I will be short and to the point of what I would do and what I did do. 

You have to get your mental state in check.  It seems you are an emotional wreck.  I used to be exactly where you are.  Stop!  Take some serious down time mentally.  Stay away from the situation for quite some time, whatever it takes to settle your emotions down. 

I took time to look at my life and worked hard to figure out what "I want" my life to become.  I made myself slow down and give it time to clear up in my mind.  If you begin to think about your DH and his DD, please think about or do something else to make the thoughts leave your mind.  This process is the most difficult part of beginning in the right direction.  

I sat goals for myself, first mentally.  You will have bad moments, bad hours, bad days; begin again and work harder at clearing your mind.  DO NOT THINK ABOUT your DH and his DD's relationship.  I made it my problem, it is their relationship; you have never been a part of it and you will never be a part of it.  I just let them have it.  

Now, I had to decide what I wanted for a relationship and move forward from this point.  Patience is learned.  Goals are very difficult to stick to.  Your mind will race and give you fits; I forced myself to control my emotions.  I took hours and hours of private time and I cried privately.  I still work so very hard at the mental and emotional issues; but I have them in check 100% more than 5 years ago.  

Self healing is a very long and continuous process; but until you do this, you cannot make rational decisions.  Disengagement does not come with one step of "just doing it".  My life is different today, than when I married this man; your life will always be changing, you have control of the direction.  You have control, only if you take control.  Don't expect anything to be right over night; I work on it a day at a time, sometimes a minute at a time. 

I grabbed my boot straps and moved forward with my emotions in check, this was my priority.  I did this, so I know how difficult this goal is.  But you can do it.  Begin with patience, even though you are short of them.  I don't believe anyone is less patient than I am; I took control of my emotions, thus taking my life back.  I will have to work at these goals forever, but I am calling the shots, not DH nor my SD57.   

My story is long and I won't post all the details; I have posted here before.  I have been married 38 years and refuse to give my situation up to my SD57.  I am not advising you to leave or stay; your life has to be what you want to make it.

I will advise you to stay here for support and keep us posted.  This is the best supporter you will have.  I read here every day and will never leave here.  ((((hugs))))

sandye21's picture

Sammi, You sent your DH to stay with SD for a while.  Do you think this time to yourself helped you to gain clarity and strength?

sammigirl's picture

sandye21, Absolutely!  What it did for me was sort things out in my mind.  I also realized I was to blame too.  I let the entire situation get into my head and took my frustrations out on DH.  I needed to develop a life for me, without all the drama.  I needed to get in touch with the person I used to be and let the narcissists go.

My time alone also made me realize I needed to take control, because, obviously DH wasn't going to have my back.  I also knew that nobody could fix my head, but me.  I took time to look at the facts and stop blaming anyone, including myself.  I realized I could not change DH nor SD, the relationship is what it is.  

I truly believe, facing the facts is what fixed it for me.  I no longer care!  It was like, I woke up one morning and I just didn't care what DH nor SD said, and thought of me.  I don't care if they take a year vacation together, I can use the break.  When I faced the facts, this was the result and I've moved forward.  My marriage is very different and certainly not what I wanted in my Senior years; but again it is what it is; DH is 11 years my senior, and totally disabled now.  I have too many years invested, as I've stated here before, therefore I chose to stay, take a stand, and make my home a safe, peaceful place.  It was ugly for the past 5 years, but is now much smoother, more peaceful, and very different.  I have no respect, no trust, although I do have deep love for my DH; I care very much about DH as a human.  I will stay and take care of him, but it is something that I never believed I would be living.  

This was not without rough times, and they do pop up now and again.  I handle it much easier and with more peace.  I just don't care about trying to change it all, I just want to move forward and I have accomplished that with my own life of friends and family.  It has been a lonely road, without DH's support; but again it is a fact!

(((hugs)))  I follow your posts and it should never be this way for anyone, man or woman.


beastofburden's picture

thank you Sammigirl I appretiate your taking the time to reply to me. Ive read quite a few stories on here and I see you are a veteran in this step hell!! 

you are totally correct in saying this whole thing has taken a toll on me emotionally... Im shocked at how much time Ive been giving this in my thoughts... Its like its the first thing I think of when I wake up!! Crazy!!! I have no idea how to stop this either. How do I NOT THINK ABOUT IT? it seems the only time I get a repreive from it all is when my SO and I are on holidays or we are just living out life together and things are just wonderful.. we really have a great time together and are comfortable with each other and I feel like we are growing as a couple... then, like clockwork, he has to go and visit her or she demands he see her and all these emotions flare up again... its like Im awoken from my peaceful dream of a happy life and the reality of there being 'another woman' takes its place. I know that sounds ridiculous, but i wouldnt feel this way if she didnt demand that I wont be around her ever!! who gets to tell someone that?? Im his partner. 

Im flying out to Bali in just over a weeks time... so yeah Im taking some time out for me 


sammigirl's picture

beastofburden, everything you are saying here on this post is what I experienced for years.  I let it eat at my mind and dictate my way of living.  DH and I also experienced all the fun and closeness that you are experiencing.  But I was spoiling our time together with hate for my SD and DH's relationship.  A big waste of time and energy, let me tell you, because it certainly didn't change anything. 

My situation has progressed as you read here.  Just continue to work very diligently on your thinking.  Taking time for yourself is very important; you will get in touch with your own inner thoughts, which should divert to "you" and eventually let the relationship between your DH and his daughter go.  You have to let that go, it takes time and effort, but it will happen.  Their relationship is a fact, that you can never change.  It is effecting you and it certainly isn't bothering them.  Let it go!  You will be surprised at the peace it will give you.  Say to yourself, "they don't care, I'm spending wasteful efforts every minute on this".  

I thought I could never hate a person, I'm not a person for conflict.  But I do hate my SD for the things that she has said about me, wrote to me, and things she purposely afflicted on me, over 38 years; now she plays the victim.  I don't care!  I never want to see her again, talk to her again, or have anything on my mind about her.  Even writing this to you, doesn't put her in my mind for more than a minute.  I have erased her from my life.  What her and her Dad have, is their thing; what DH and I have is ours.  She doesn't sleep with him, she will never have the best of him like I have.  SD is his daughter and it is different, you have to realize it is part of your DH's life and you have to let it go.  Mini wives are the other woman, but you can win the battle in the end, by letting it go and walk away from "them".  You are special in a different way of course.  My SD is the loser, because she can no longer have control over my thinking or my life.  She is history and she knows it; I make no bones about not wanting her near me.

When I read your posts, I can read between the lines, that you are working on it.  You continue to work on you "thinking".  Remove the thoughts of your SD and DH's relationship from your mind.  Let him run to her, who cares.  Let her whine and demand, who cares.  Don't make it your problem, they don't care what you think, don't care what they do.   Change your life in small ways; hobbies, friends, family, lunches, yard work, whatever it takes to keep your mind busy and your SD out of your life.  Disengagement is a long, continuous process, one step at a time.  I hate my SD stopping to visit her Dad.  I get the same old feelings of her intruding, but I handle them now; I ignore her, I do not engage in ANY way with this jerk.

You will do fine!  Just remember it's about you, not them.  Going to Bali is good!  Be safe, have fun, and stay here every day, even if just to read of other's problems; it makes yours seem less magnified. 

soccermom830's picture

do you ever get together with his parents or whole family?  mine has get togethers every so often.  tonight for one and tomorrow wtih ex wife even for his eldest's baby shower - ugh.  he really wants me to go though after i demanded i not be excluded again because of her two weeks ago.  we went to her sister's  house for his dad's bday and she ignored me and even glared at me when i smiled at her when i walked in (i hadn't seen her in 9 months).  i just ignored her the rest of the night, had a glass of Sake and was fine.  i told myself i wouldn't let her get to me.  it did though eventually and i asked him if he said anything to her.  he said why do you want to let her know she got to you?  i guess nothing he says will make a grown jerk act differently so i must let it go.  sammigirl is right - we cannot let them take over our thoughts.  it's hard though.  i think it's because you wonder why someone can just hate you for no reason other than their own jealousy?  it's tough but we shouldn't care.  i refuse to be excluded though because of her controlling him.  it was hard for me but i had to let her know she couldn't have her way - she was surprised i came i think.  haha

mine consumed me so much i realized that i had a nightmare about it the other night and dreamed his son was at a function (i never see him but his wife is in town with his grandkids) and ignored me too because of the daughter.  stupid!!  his other daughter is very nice to me now.  maybe the younger one will learn from big sis how to act and treat people.  we can only hope.

 don't think about it is easier said than done i know this.  hang in there if you really love him.  hugs!!



Thatswhyilovemydog's picture

Honey, please listen to me.  I put in 13 years of trying everything in the world to save a relationship where the step daughter made life miserable.  Walk away now.  There is NO GETTING BETTER.  It will only suck the life out of you and please don't think your situation is different, that your relationship is different, etc.  It's not different.  These situations are all the same.  Get out of this ridiculous circus and live a happy life.  You don't want that life I promise!

I have 2 adult step daughters now but the difference is their father knows what assholes they are and doesn't want to be around them either.  Even when the dad isn't in a sickening codependent relationship with their kid it can cause a stressful dynamic sometimes.

beastofburden's picture

Ugh, suck the life out of me is true.... 

He doesnt want to split up... this just keeps going round and round in circles... going nowhere... Im at my wits end


newarkfo's picture

I think you're in a bad situation that will only get worse.  He is worshipping someone else, he is hiding stuff from you, you feel bad, and your feelings for him are waning.  It is horrible, but it won't get better the longer you stay.  I think you should cut your losses (they are really HIS losses) and find a man who deserves you.  We finally got to the pont that I told his daughters that since I am not welcome at their houses, they are not welcome at mine either. The upshot is that one of them told their father that he is dead to them.  As wonderful as that is for me (could that be any more awesome?) it is sad for him, but shows what she is made of.  I'm sorry you've wasted 2 years, but you are well rid of a man who doesn't put your first.

beastofburden's picture

Yes i agree. I am 100% sure she would never say he's dead to her. The only time she would do something like that is to just manipulate a bit more.... scare him into believing he'd never get to see his precious poopsie EVER again and he would lose his mind and hound her like a jilted lover would... He would never accept that she would be dead to him!!!! Its an ongoing circus. 

I wish she would, but my SO would NEVER just disappear and let that happen. 

beastofburden's picture

oh, and then where would she get all her money/gifts/loans/holidays from if he was dead to her?

newarkfo's picture

It's been a wonderful 2 weeks.  No heinous SD's coloring our relationship anymore.  He seems to have accepted that there is no reasoning with these children - and yes, at 32 and 28 yrs old, they are acting like spoiled brats.  They wanted to force me out, couldn't, and now are 'punishing' their father for it.  I'm one of the lucky ones, as he chose me.  There has been no arguing over them, no accomodation, it's like they don't exist in our relationship anymore.  I suppose there should be a part of me that feels guilty, but since I kept the door open for 9 years, and they slammed it shut, I don't feel anything but happiness  I love my husband and am sorry this is happening to him, but he has tried to bring everyone together too many times to count.  He has apologized (when I think he had nothing to apologize for), written, called, done the gift thing for his grandkids... nothing from them but that he sucks as a dad.  They complain that he only coached a soccer team for one year (other dads did more)  Only paid for college until one got married and then it was up to her and her husband.  Seriously?  It's that kind of crap that makes me glad I'll never have to meet them.

Thanks for letting me air this to the only people that will understand!

soccermom830's picture

sounds similar to my situation.  hang in there.  follow your heart but don't ignore your head.  inbox me if you want. 

Bugsy6731's picture

All though I feel for you, you still need to let the man have time with his kids, but tell him that if you two are to work he needs to cut the umbilical cord already so you two can grow. Pick certain days that you you two have together, and days where he gets to spend time with his kids. I honestly can't stand my wife's kids either, they annoy me bug time, but I deal with it because they are her kids. 


beastofburden's picture

Ive never 'stopped' him from seeing his kid. 

She is the one who wont see him if im there, or allow him to see her if Im with him. there is a huge difference. 

Bugsy6731's picture


Orchid1's picture

Its a difficult situation, but you can leave end the relationship, what is making you put up with so much crap in your life. end it. the daughter has mental illness.  Move on. Nothing will change the relationship between father and daughter was set years ago. The strain of trying to get any respect and be in control will wear you out and make you miserable and ill. They are blood you are not and I would suspect you are being sidelined and used. Men are not very engaged with family issues and opt out of conflict most leave the mother to deal with the emotional stuff, if daddy is getting attention from his daughter and girlfriends and tug of war is going on he will love it, it makes him centre of attention, meanwhile you and SD are left unhappy surrounded by negativity caused by him, Decisions made to have children, rules, boundaries, love etc was set before you came on the scene, it cannot change over night, I am sure when you leave another unsuspecting girlfriend will be found, because that is all you are, fun on the side for him. Do not get addicted to negativity, they do not care about you and it will not get any better rescue yourself. Take a holiday, find your self, and ask your self this question if you met his daughter in another situation would you like her maybe not. so get her out of your life and let her win, who cares, plenty more fish in the sea. It will never be repaired. run Run run and my best wishes go with you for a happier life.

Too old for this's picture

It will only get worse.  It won’t matter how old she gets, she will still control him and in turn, your relationship.  The problem is not SD the problem is him. I have spent 15 years with DH who cannot align himself with me. Talking makes it worse. Counseling did nothing.  This is your future unless you leave the situation now.