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Showdown Yesterday (LONG)

IAmALady77's picture

Keep in mind that this was AFTER a good week of her being completely normal and us getting along. AND this was after her calling me ALL day complaining about why SD didn't go potty more during the day yesterday and why was she having accidents?

BM:I'll send you guys my potty training for dummies book so you two can read it to get the information I got. That way we can all be on the same page. It's not good for her to be trained one way by me and another by you two. Its going to confuse her and make it harder on all of us. Thanks

ME:Honestly I think you are over-concerning yourself and you're just going to stress yourself out when you don't need to be. Please do me a favor and just relax on this ok? It's not like we're teaching her 2 different things, the point is going to get across to her just fine no matter how shes being "taught" I promise. I raised both of my little sisters, one of them took a really long time to learn and the other picked it up right away. Your method works for you and our method works for us Thats what co-parenting is, we don't have to do little things exactly the same as long as it gets done. I have to say I am really glad you are making the effort to get along with us (me especially) and you are doing a great job raising SD. She is a very lucky little girl to have such a great support system around her This potty training is going great just give it some time and don't worry about it so much! We'll have SD call you before she goes to bed ttyl

BM:I want what's best for SD. I want her to be successful at this. But she isn't going to have success if she has people teaching her different. But whatever. I guess only some of us have her best interest at heart.

ME:I am going to disregard your snarkiness in your last response because it was quite unnecessary. Of course we have her best interests at heart. You are more than welcome to come to me with your concerns but I will not abide disrespect and petty backhanded insults. I want to be clear on that. Naturally we are going to have a difference in opinion on things but if you can not converse without getting snippy then I will have to ask you to just take your conversations to SO and I will no longer keep you updated or communicate with you.

BM:I would rather talk to SO anyways because he is SD's other parent. I am glad that you guys take care of SD but when it comes to stuff like this there is no room for argument because there is no room for error. It's not hard to take five minutes out of every hour to place her on the potty. And if that is to hard for you two to comply with Then neither of you are fit to be parents in my eyes.

(I think proceeded to block her once again on FB because I was getting angry and I am sick of her for the time being.) Then SO checks HIS messages.

BM: Please Call me we have to talk
You have to stay consistent with how I'm doing it or else it's just gonna take longer then it should to teach her. If you don't put her on every hour you are teaching her it's OK to have accidents and it's OK to hold her bladder. Accidents are OK but to me there is no excuse for them since she should be going every hour so there shouldn't be a chance for her to even have an accident.

BM:If your not gonna follow what myself and the daycare are doing then maybe give up some over nights for a while until she's trained that way she is being consistent in her training. It makes you look bad that you can't even follow something as single as this.

SO: I am not going to have this conversation with you, Lady told me that she has already told you everything we are and are not doing. You need to calm down and realize that you have no control or ANY say what goes on in my home. If I want to let her run around in her underwear and learn to hold her bladder and not have accidents then I will. I stay out of how you choose to parent her when she is in your care and you need to do the same.

BM:It's unhealthy to have her ho$d her bladder. Obviously we know who the good parent is now since you two don't have her best interest at heart.
But whatever cps will be happy to hear from me tomorrow and so will (caseworker). There's a law against putting children in a situation that is not in their best interest and I'm going to find out what that is. I'm so disappointed in you and Lady for the way you two "parent " there is no harm in putting SD on the toilet every hour. I read the book and that's what it stresses. But since you two seem to know everything then do whatever you want. But we are not going to be getting along any more because of your lax in parenting.

BM:I work so hard and you two always try to change everything. It's not right
Whatever. I'm sick to my stomach with stress right now
You are not a fit parent. It's crazy. It's not hard to put her n every hour. You don't want what's best for SD obviously

BM:Besides she has no accidents with me but she does with you...weird. and there is no excuse for accidents if you are training right. She doesn't have accidents with me or at daycare....strange.
You can do whatever you want but I work so hard and you undo all my hard work by teaching her differently. Oh well...I guess we will see what cps has to say.
And it's sad that I did you a favor by giving you more time and your doing a good job proving that you don't deserve it. I did you a big favor and you can't even do something as small as toileting her every hour. Real mature.

BM:If you two can't take fiver minutes out of every hour to place her on the potty then neither of you are fit to be parents. End of story. But I'm going to start getting in touch with whom I need to to get SD back home Where she belongs. There is no excuse for you parenting the way you do. It's not hard to simply set her on a toilet and let her pee. She shouldn't have to hold it in, are you comfortable holding it? Then neither is she. I will be getting in contact with my lawyer again this week to take the necessary steps to ensure my child's safety. Thanks. And if I don't get a phone Call tonight then that's contempt of court cuz it is in our papers. And since you are busy I will wait for you to Call. I will no longer be communicating with LAdy since everything about SD should be handled between us two. Thanks.

SO:Lady has blocked you from contacting her any further because you can not seem to act like a mature adult. Do what you will BM but if you continue to harass and accuse us with baseless lies and accusations that harrasment charges will be filed.

BM:I'm not harassing you SO I'm correcting you because your wrong
I don't understand how she will go for me but not for you. You two were the ones who were pushing to get her trained and your not even doing it. Funny.
And all communication should be between us two. It just makes you look lazy when you can't get her to go. There is no excuse. And you shouldn't be allowed any time with her until you can comply with what is best for SD. It's not good for her to be good and trained for me and then I send her with you and she doesn't go anymore. Something is wrong with that pictures.

BM:If she is holding it to the point she is peeing her pants then that's abuse.

Sidenote: WE were NOT the ones pushing for her to be potty-trained, SHE was so she could put her back in daycare.

SHE is always the one contacting ME. She has told me on NUMOUROUS occasions that she prefers talking to me than SO because its easier, I have made myself available to her, I have not pushed this communication on her so please disregard all the nonsense she is spewing about how communication should only be between the 2 of them because THEY are her parents, not how she felt 2 days ago.

SO called the police and they have contacted her with yet another cease and desist (this is the third time this has happened). The officer told him that if this keeps happening THEY will press criminal harrassment charges on her. So thats what I've been dealing with for the past 24 hours lol


smdh's picture

LOL. CPS isn't going to give a rat's ass that you refuse to potty train her way. What a douchetard.

tweetybird74's picture

BM sounds a little off her rocker! Differences in toilet training and having a child learn to hold their bladder is by no means grounds for CPS to get involved or make you unfit parents. I can't believe she actually said that!

smdh's picture

I can, because it happened to us except it wasn't cps, it was a co-parent counselor. She ranted and raged for a full hour because we refused to wear pull-ups on HER daughter while in our care - SD WAS trained in our home and not in hers. She said we were abusing her and scaring her and the reason she couldn't train her is because we made her afraid of the toilet, which was totally logical since she USED the toilet in our care. 6 years later and SD is STILL having accidents in HER care.

Lalena75's picture

Stop responding to her completely. Neither you or SO have to respond to anything but an actual emergency. Email only.she's just trying to control everything and getting batty because she can't. She doesn't need hourly updates on shit. When sd is with you two BM can bugger off. If you've contacted the cops you should not contact her at all unless it's an emergency if she contacts you just resond once "do not contact me unless sd is in your care and it's an emergency" this covers your ass in her filing harassment back.

IAmALady77's picture

I have blocked her so she can't contact me anymore. Thats a good response though for when she starts sending messages again thank you.

cant win for losin's picture

Holy shit! ALL that over potty training?!! Control issues much?!!! Damn :jawdrop:

Tranquility's picture

Wow! What is this? The sequel to War and Peace? haha After the first text, I would have not answered or said something like "Got it. Thanks". Each and everything WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU. Knowing me, though, I would have said something like "My method is letting her run without her undies on until she sh*ts all over the carpet- I would ask that you comply with MY method, as well" pffftttt. One of my exes had a psycho BM and any and everything escalated by text-and usually around 10 pm when she had some booze and thought " can I rock someone's world tonight?"...