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What should be in a CO?

CrazieCoconut86's picture

I know another user posted about this last week, but I can't find the blog. DH has a very vague CO from what I can tell. It just lists when visitation is and that he needs to pay child support.

I think he and Bm should at least go to mediation and get some things put in there regarding health insurance for one. There is no mention of it in the CO and BM uses that as a way to make sure we can't take SS to the doctor. He has asked her several times for a copy of the card, and she keeps saying she will get it to him, but never has.

What else would you make sure was in a CO?

DH has joint legal custody and visitation EOWE. SS is 4 almost 5.


CrazieCoconut86's picture

What is "right of first refusal" I have not heard that term before.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

Thanks Echo for that list. I will pitch it to DH later today, altho, he is pretty set on not stirring the pot. BM is treating him like gold right now, and I suspect that I know why. She is moving about 20 minuets away, and will not be able to pawn SS off on her family when she needs a baby sitter. I already told DH she has another thing coming if she thinks I am going to watch SS's little brother (the kid that is not DH's). I have seen that kid misbehaving in the car, and I want nothing to do with him.

On another note, I don't think more than 3 of those are covered in his CO. And now that he is starting school full time this fall, I think some things need to be ironed out.