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I knew it - the silence is no broken - more BS again as usual.........

imagr8tma's picture

So yesterday i blogged that BM was quiet and I felt like something was going to come up.

I was right - again. SHE (BM) is so dang predictable. DH and BM had already agreed a month ago on his summer visit dates. 2.5 weeks in June 2.5 in July. Plus his normal EOW visits every other weekend as the court order states.

So after we take her back home on Sunday - she waits until yesterday afternoon to send him a text message stating SD can not come back in July due to dance camp going the rest of the summer.

Which is a damn lie. We already called the dance coach and made sure the dates he has her does not interfere. Dance is out until 21 July. DH has his visitation set for 3 July - 19 July. The dance coach her self let us know that we are not interfering and the dance camp is not madatory for SD's age anyways.

So now she is trying to keep SD becuase she knows we go to court on 14 July and doesn't want her here with us is all i can figure.

However we will be proceeding with the agreed upon dates as we had already scheduled. She is just a damn idiot.


tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

Drama! That woman drives me nuts but most of the time she is my entertainment because I wonder sometimes how can anyone really be that stupid.

I had a few weeks of peace before I got married last year with BM. I knew it wouldn't last she has to have some kind of attention thrown her way.

We too are going to court on July 16 and the skids come back for visitation 2 days before court...I am sure it is driving her crazy that she won't have the final 2 days to PAS before they see a

imagr8tma's picture

She wants to probably take SD back to the counselor and try one last grand stand before court.

But it is not happening. . . It is his court ordered visit on 3 - 5 July and the rest of the time she agree to back in May. Her reason for trying to change was found out to be a lie.....

So bottom line - if she doesn't bring SD to the meeting point on 3 July - the police will be involved.

I really dont think she believes DH is serious about getting his daughter as the court has allowed. I think she believes he will just let that go and just go without.

It is always something with her sorry butt.

HummingBirdHunny's picture

Your husband should show up anyways and if she refuses the visit calmly say ok. Have him use his or your cell phone to dial 911 and make sure you have a copy of your court order as well as any written proof with those dates specified. Then maybe next time she wont be so quick to refuse your visits. And if possible get a report or something that you had to call an officer to help you enforce your visitation.

imagr8tma's picture

That is exactly what we plan to do.....