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Help I'm so frustrated and dont know what to do?

tenplus's picture

After 1o plus years with my Step Daughter and with only a few hiccups with the Mom. We have planned an amazing vacation to DisneyLand for the Holidays. The mother has know and consented to let the Daughter go. Until now 48 hours prior to leaving. She has also blocked us from calling her or the Daughter and will not reply to any messages left.


melis070179's picture

Any idea why? How old is your SD? Does she live too far to drop by?

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

tenplus's picture

The reason is because we did not want to go get SD at 10pm from her house. Because we were leaving at 5am the next morning so we asked her to bring her to our house if it was going to be that late. And she said no if you wont come get her at 10pm then she cant go. Then she blocked our calls etc. My SD is 12. And even tho we dont talk about anything in front of her she still knows. That now we never see her and when she does get to call it monitored. It's ridiculous and I'm at a loss for what to do anymore.

tenplus's picture

They dont have any form of agreement. Paperwork has gone back and forth but nothing has been agreed on. She believes what she submitted to the court is law. But it has never been ruled on by a judge. Also in her paperwork it says we can take her on family vacations anytime as long as it doesnt interfear with school and we give enough notice.

frustratedinMA's picture

if she doesnt give the sd to you guys.. go w/o her, then take bm to small claims court to collect on the amt lost on sd's trip.

What a be otch. Our skids bm tried this last time we took them. she gave THEM the option of not going, telling them they would have a horrible time, luckily they didnt fall for it, went and then told us of their option. We had ours planned for a year w/her permission. No longer going to take chances on expensive vacations for them if that is what happens at their house.

Go and have a great time

tenplus's picture

We finally were able to go. But it has been hell to pay since. Yeah no more vacations like that actually we hardly see SD. Sad