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SD Will Be A Grade Behind Due to BM's Negligence

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Sorry to be a blog hog today, but we just realized that SD will likely be a grade behind most kids her age. SD is the same age as my DD. They were both to start kindergarten in the fall.

Since starting kindergaren this past fall, my DD has learned to read. Like, she can read an entire book with minimal mistakes. I know she's more on the advanced end of the kids in her class, but still. All the kids in her class know all their letters to the alphabet, are learning small words, etc.

Tempted to Punch BM in the Face

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BM is such an idiot. SD had a great time with us at the family Christmas party, and on Christmas morning. BM was late picking her up beacuse BM had "a thing" with her own family (as in an argument or some drama) and she wanted to finish doing laundry. Yes, laundry was more important than spending Christmas with her daughter. As usual, BM couldn't understand why SO was upset that she was inconsiderate of our plans.

BM Doing A Number on SD

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A little background, SD was coming to our house EOW without problems. BM got a bug up her butt for months and wouldn't let SD come (in violation of the CO). Out of the blue, BM suddenly starts to allow visitation and that SAME week, asks us to take SD full-time. SO says okay. For the past month, that was the plan but BM kept playing games out signing the paperwork although BM has been telling SD that SD is living with us. Finally, BM completely looses her marbles, so SO serves BM with contempt paperwork.

BM is Such A Big "B"

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Seriously, that women is such a bitch. EVERY FREAKING TIME it's the weekend to get SD, she pulls some crap. She can never be anywhere on time, can't give directions, and always has something going on. It's never just easy.

So, today she tells SO that he has to get SD from another city (different from the one we work in, and not even the one we live in our she lives in) and says a specific time. She has left SD with people "and they have plans." She KNOWS that SO works, and that SO picks up my DD from school everyday and then picks me up from work.

Trying Not to Obcess or Let BM's Accusations Get to Me

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I posted a week ago about how BM sent me an email claiming my SO tried to sleep with her. I have been trying to follow the advice and ignore it, but it's been hard.

SO has filed for a TRO, but the judge wanted more information, so I was forced to read the email again. The good thing that came out of it was that I realized that when SO told her personal information about me it was when we first started dating and not in some insidious way. He shouldn't have, but that was YEARS ago.

Heartbroken & Confused (BM Says SO Tried to Sleep With Her Cont'd)

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If you need to catch up on my story, you can find it here:
Basically, BM has accused my SO of trying to sleep with her twice.

Today, I am still so confused and so hurt that I'm almost numb. You know, that pain like a gunshot wound that is so severe the body goes numb to preserve itself, that's how I feel today.

BM Says SO Tried to Sleep With Her

StepDeux's picture

I am so confused and I can't even think straight.

BM sent me an email that says that SO tried to sleep with her twice. One occassion was close to two years ago, and one more recently.

In the email, she has peppered it with things that are true, including information about me that is very personal that there is no way she could have known without SO telling her.

BM's Email to Me

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OneNighter (BM) emailed me last week to talk about the supposid custody switch. I didn't read the email. Anyway, I read it yesterday and had to share my favorite part! }:)

So, basically, OneNighter has decided that we should be friends and is trying to force us to be "one, big happy family." In her first "nice" contact with me, she said she knew we were going to be friends because she really likes me (yea, right!) and told me that SO and I should invite her over for dinner and -- the best part -- let her bring a date!

Back Again and So is Crazy!

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I am StepCoquette. I deleted my account in a stupid attempt to be positive about OneNighter (BM) and the future. Sometimes my own naiveté amuses me.

Long story shorter, OneNighter is bent on making our lives hell. OneNighter asked us to take SD and is now refusing to sign the paperwork saying she will see us in Court. This is seriously every week with this woman! So, we will see her in Court with all her emails and text messages about taking SD, when it's to start, etc. }:)
