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notthebradybunch6's Blog

Four years and still rolling along, dented and scratched, but rolling....

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So I am rapidly heading into my 40s and I am realizing that I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I have been remarried for about 2 years now, my ex and his new wife still live 2 blocks away. My husband is still a puppet for his mother and his ex wife, but there is a little more tension on those strings now.

How I came to be here.... on Step Talk, not born.... ;)

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In 1996 I was a brand spanking new soldier in the U.S. Army. I showed up at my first permanent duty station (meaning I was done training) of Ft. Gordon, Ga. The first day while I was in the orderly room turning in and doing paperwork I felt like an exhibit in the zoo, this is called the "fresh meat" stage, where the men in the unit start sniffing around. I met my future husband that first day. Within 6 weeks we were married, and within 8 weeks I knew I was pregnant. Along the way I found out my future husband had already had a son with a woman a few years prior.