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Life Thus Far...

LadyTremaine07's picture

I actually have very little to say. Things happened (im not going into deep discussion because these are not things you publicly post), SO went to jail and lost his job (thanks to BM's sister), BM ran off with the kids, and I feel like I'm left to clean up her sloppy mess, literally and figuratively. BM is burning bridges with her family and his family (mainly over what happened with me and SO), but she doesn't see that these bridges are being burnt. SO and I are taking a break with our relationship and it's tough on me because I love him, but he needs to sort things out (as do I) and he needs to set boundaries with BM, which he is starting to do. I'm getting a car this week and I think SO and I are going to try to make a surprise trip to see the kids. I'll keep posting and reading on here and now my life is, thankfully, a lot less Jerry Springer than it was.


Most Evil's picture

Hi hon, I can't remember and am too tired right now, to look back at your past posts but I saw where you were feeling unheard and I guess have little to no support in real life for your step situation (like most of us I would guess).

So just letting you know, I hear you and I hope things get better for you.!! If DH is too much trouble, no harm in letting him go, and find someone more suited to you, who will truly love and respect you.

Remember, we must love our own self first.!!! So I would try to make that priority one, imho. What would you say to a friend in your situation? Well be a friend to yourself honey and act accordingly?!! Hugs Smile