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Venting - I see a pattern here!

Just K's picture

A single data point = nothing,

two data points define a line,

three data points = a plane, and so on….

there’s a pattern here.




Aniki-Moderator's picture

Screaming?? Anyone doing that will lose my complete cooperation. 

Why couldn't your screaming imbecile DH buy the bloody lunch meat? You were sick and his mini imbeciles are HIS responsibility. 

This blog alone makes me wonder what makes you stay with this... man.

Cover1W's picture

Yeah screaming and yelling is a no go in our house and calls for a time out. Once calm then we can discuss it. DH never yells at me, but takes on a stern demeanor, like I'm a child, one he should be using with YSD, and it ticks me off to no end. But no screaming or making me do anything.

Just K's picture in standing downstairs and screaming my name when I'm up in the bedroom with the door closed. 

When I attempt to inform him of his offspring's lousy behavior - DH takes on a stern demeanor, like I'm a child too, one he uses OCCASSIONALY with Little Imbecile.  I can relate to your experience Cover!

Little Imbecile has (way) too much power in this household.  DH structures his time to fit into HER SCHEDULE when she's here - we have to eat when she wants.

I go along to get along!  To learn more about me please go to my profile page and read my disclaimer.  



Aniki-Moderator's picture

Darlin', whatever your disclaimer is, does not show him in a better light or make him a better person. The screaming is unnecessary. 

la_dulce_vida's picture

Your disclaimer is really just your bio. When you bring your story before a public message board, be prepared for feedback and for people to make judgement calls based on the information you provide. I think what you meant is don't "condemn" me. On a day to day basis, people have to make judgement calls but we are not in a position to condemn people.

You will get feedback. You may not like it.

Life is full of choices. You may feel you have no choice, but you make them everyday. You have chosen to go along to get along. This is not your DH's or SD's fault. You don't want to make waves so you've chosen this life instead of creating healthy boundaries or walking away.

I would completely shut down on someone who yelled at me and used me as a scapegoat.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I'm going to give you some unsolicited advice. I read your profile and you feel like a servant and the family scapegoat and you are only staying to recover your health. You are never going to get better in the current environment that you are living in. Contact a lawyer and see where you stand. If you are a disabled senior, you might get alimony and it might be enough to get yourself out of this situation.

Also, please consider some therapy for yourself. Maybe it will help you figure out why you think you must stay in this kind of a dysfunctional situation. Your DH does not deserve you and he does not treat you right.

Rags's picture

By putting them in your past.

Remember, those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it.

Every day you let them remain in your life, you are failing to learn the history of each preceeding day,  and embracing that doom. Over, and over, and over again. Day in and day out. Flush the shit all of it. Including your idiot DH.

Boot their collective idiot asses and flush their shallow and polluted gene pool from your life.


Take care of you.

floralsm's picture

Wow your DH is a real piece of work. I still can't believe he screamed your name and made you get out of bed when your that unwell for YOU to check if there was any cold meat for HIS daughter? Like what the eff? That is not normal. You cannot keep living a life on eggshells and hoping to not disrupt him. This sounds like a toxic man and I think for your own mental health you need your own space. Is there somewhere you can stay temporarily? Screaming at you and things forever being your fault isn't a healthy relationship. I hope you can find the strength to stand up for yourself and seek professional help if you need.

Just K's picture

I realized about three years ago that I’d been married to a covert narcissist for six years. I knew something was wrong but couldn’t put my finger on it. He’s successful, in worldly terms, funny, intelligent, reliable, and generally happy UNTIL his image is threatened (his piss-poor parenting skills or lack thereof, his offspring showing defects of character including laziness, blame-shifting, manipulation - If AND ONLY IF OFFSPRINGS' BEHAVIOR AFFECTS HIM  etc.), including no confrontations, differing opinions, total control over decisions, etc. and I was no doormat, he just refused to own up or budge, so I’ve emotionally kept it moving and left him in God’s hands! Currently, I’m looking for a therapist, and I joined a support group. I'm so thankful for this site because it allows me to journal and vent - to keep my sanity while I heal.  I'm finally learning to detach and disengage from toxic people. The first step is recognizing it. 

Thank you all for your support - even the comments stating your outrage at my situation and my seemly inability to care for myself - I'm working on that - one day at a time! 





Aniki-Moderator's picture

I write A LOT. Sometimes on paper to burn, sometimes on toilet paper to flush (not during the tp shortage lol!).

One day at a time is good! Hopefully you realize that we're trying to help. You might not like what's written, but it is said with the desire to see you in a better position, living the best life you can. *give_rose*

ETA: I apologize if I seemed harsh. I was married to a psychotic, gaslighting, mentally abusive narcissist who almost killed me. Having failed, he continued to stalk/attack me until he was incarcerated. As a survivor of domestic abuse, I want to help anyone in an abusive relationship get OUT. 

Elea's picture

I've been reading a book called "It's Not You" about narcissism. You may enjoy it.