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2 weeks of calm was apparently too much to ask lol

IAmALady77's picture

Shes done it. BM has attempted to go back on her word, too bad for that moment of clarity she had though right? When they went to the caseworker and made it an official court order, what she agreed too. Well now she is saying that SO lied during their meeting and that he is in "contempt" and she is taking the additional days away.

Even though she can't lol. She can take him to court over this all she wants, she doesnt knnow that I recorded the entire conversation and HE NEVER lied in the paperwork. She is trying to say now that he said something that he didnt and I am just sitting here laughing my ass off because we got her this time.

All those months of preperation adn documentation. Oh please please let her make an ass of herself and try to take him to court please.


IAmALady77's picture

She was on facebook for HOURS today (after she added him lol) just bitching up a storm and then 10 minutes later all happy and cheerful because SD went potty on the toilet...its like WTF. We're fighting crazy with crazy SO just wrote back, THATS FANTASTIC! tell her daddy loves her and great job! LOL INSANE. Im just going to copy and past the messages so you guys can see whawt we are dealing with...maybe cuz of the full moon?