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Back to court for extras

Hanny's picture

Has anyone had the experience of being taken back to court to pay for extras. You know, summer school, dr bills, summer camp, etc. The half that BF is suppose to share with BM. I was just wondering if anyone has been taken to court for their half of the extras. My Bf's ex is even trying to get clothing expenses, claiming school uniforms are extra. I consider that same as clothing/food, etc that CS covers. BM sets the kids up in every kind of camp there is, summer school at the cost of $750 (even though they go to private schools), all without running any of this by my BF. And of course, after she has already told the kids about the activities, then tells him, what can he do say NO, they can't go to camp. All this extra crap is making him go broke. Now that his oldest just graduated and turned 18 and he doesn't have to pay CS for her anymore, the BM knows he has an extra $600+ a month and is doing her best to figure out how she can get it away from him. BM only works part time, and now she's going back to school to get her masters, just graduated last June and has been working a real job (5 hours a day - BFD!) 5 days a week, and she's just not making enough money. So she will probably cut her hours again to return to school for another 2 years.

Okay..time to get back to work and quit venting.


Mocha2001's picture

Usually the custodial parent cannot financially obligate the other parent without their consent. Check on that in your state. Also, what is the decision making - joint, sole? Typically if you do something like that without the other party's consent, or agreement ... you are SOL.

On the uniform thing ... hummm, I'm on the fence with that one. Depends on how much they are and how many they need. Not sure how I'd look at that one.

~ Katrina

Anne 8102's picture

For us, the CS covers anything and everything kid-related. There ARE NO extras. The only thing "extra" we have to pay for is 33% of any non-covered medical expenses and there are never any of those because sending us a bill would mean giving up info on the kids that she doesn't want us to have. So we make the CS payment every month and that's that. I would take a long, hard look at the divorce papers and see what they say. If there's no mention of splitting "extras," then I would assume he is only obligated to pay CS and not a dime more. If the papers do say they are to split extras, then I think he's stuck paying them, unless it can be proven that he wasn't made part of the decision-making process. Either way, she could probably go for a modification to increase the overall amount. The best advice I can give anyone divorcing is DO NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP OF PAYING FOR EXTRAS. Decide a set amount of CS to pay every month that will cover all reasonable costs and let it go at that. When you agree to pay half of "extras," you just set yourself up to be bled dry drop by precious drop.

~ Anne ~

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other." -Walter Elliot

Cruella's picture

CS is calculated in my state by the amount of both BP's incomes. DH is trying for extraordinary medical and dental expenses from BM and a raise in support. BM is hiding her income and we have proof now. What is sad for my skids is BM does nothing "extra" for the children. No Bday gifts, no christmas gifts.....nothing.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Yeah, my Ss's Bm says she can't afford this or that for Ss yet she just bought a $30,000 + Suv for herself!! Ss is here 2/3 time and we pay for everything and I mean everything. We don't get anything from Bm. She buys him some clothes and food when he is at her house but that is about it.
